The False Things We Accept as Absolute Fact

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I sat down in English and turned to my left to see an empty seat right beside me. Rebecca was M.I.A (Missing in action). That was odd. Normally she would always get here before me. But would've also been here two minutes before the second bell. After what I just saw five minutes ago, I could see why she wouldn't show up. 

Adam was kissing another girl in the hall. Lindsey Spencer. She was a hot busty blonde with blue eyes. She was our school's Sydney Sweeney. Now, this didn't sound right coming from me, but I wasn't going to deny any of it either. Adam wasn't just a dick, he was a prick. He might've been the dreamy prince charming in a fantasy world. But in reality, he was a narcissistic cheater. The kind any girl would forgive for any nonsensical mistake he's made. But who was I to judge?

Rebecca's POV

I arrived home with Alyssa at 1:15 pm. Just before the fourth period. Adam had just broken up with me after lunch. That son of a bitch. I trusted him. And warned him. Everything was going so well between us. He even said it himself. He wanted to see other people, and I got mad. I kneed him in the balls and left without a word. No one breaks up with me and gets away with it so easily. I was furious and outraged, but mostly upset. What the fuck was wrong with him?

I sat on the living room couch, and Alyssa held me in her arms, "Dejalo salir todo, mija." (Let it all out, sweetie.) She comforted me by rubbing my back in circular motions.

"Don't worry, we'll get him back. That little shit won't even know it hit him." She said. She would always be there for me no matter what, and I would do the same. Our friendship grew when I found out she was a fan of Jack Harlow. We used to stay up late at night just to listen to his entire second album while we talked about boys we liked and gossiped about the girls we despised. This all happened when I had just arrived at Brighton. And we've become sisters ever since.

I sat up and looked at her, "What did you have in mind?" I asked, sniffling.

"Oh, you wanna start right now?" I rolled my eyes and groaned. Of course, she didn't have anything planned. Why did I even bother asking? Okay, so she wasn't the brightest. Neither was I. But I still had some sense.

"Babe, we need to think on the bright side. Like... Shopping! Those new shoes you wanted are on sale!~" She said in a convincing tone. 

"Alyssa, I know your mind is still on vacation but your mouth is working overtime. Okay? After I just got my heart ripped out into pieces, you wanna go shopping?! Bear with me here!" I yelled. She didn't understand how I was feeling right now. I could explain it to her, but I'd just be wasting my breath. Alyssa would always be the dumper and never the dumpee. I respected her gratefully for that. She and Adam's best friend, Caleb Green have been dating since my last year at Madison Academy. She wore the pants in the relationship, only because Caleb was such a softie to her. 

"So, what? You're just gonna sit on the couch and cry all day?" I couldn't help but agree that it wouldn't solve anything either. But how was shopping gonna help? 

"Fine. But this better work!" I said. She clapped her hands in excitement and yanked my arm to follow her lead. Oh, joy! I wonder how this would turn out.


We came to our destination and accessed the mall. My arm was linked with hers, trying to find a cute outfit for school tomorrow. Something that'll show I was better off without Adam. Confidence was all I needed. Forever 21 was my go-to shopping department. They had all of my favorite things, from sweatpants to crop-tops. None of it was too expensive nor did it exceed my budget. 

"Mija, look! These shorts would look super sexy on you. Try them on!" She pressed. They were dark blue high-waist shorts with golden buttons on the side. They were nice but weren't to my liking of casual attire. 

Shameful Indulgence (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now