You obviously dont know me
Well that is if you follow me on other social sites then you know me very well
I wouldn't say that i particularly like being known outside of social media because im way different from what I am in here
I hate my school there's only a few people that I can actually stand at the hell hole most of them being target of bullying and or being made fun of
Me personally I just blocked those kinds of people out I think of them as pawns of a game that's called life and hell life sure is screwing up its plays
The school in my opinion sucks they never know how to make up their minds it gets quite annoying for example the school board kept switching from us having three days off to not having any days off other than weekends and breaks
Im moving soon anyways I'll also be in highschool next year when I move im not as excited as you would think and eighth grader would be highschool just means more idiots to deal with and probably even more annoying teachers classes to sit through
I only dream of being homeschooled its something that is so close yet so far
Well thats all goodbye