Chapter 33 - "That plan would be cool."

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The last days had been a pure torture to Harry, not because he wasn’t allowed to leave his room, it actually was no difference to a few weeks prior when he didn’t left his room on purpose.

He felt terrible and alone. He woke up every morning and he never bothered to leave his bed, he just kept lying under the covers, staring at the wall or at the ceiling. Harry tried watching TV once or twice but he never was satisfied with what was on TV so he threw the remote into the corner of the room and never touched it again.

Most of the time Harry didn’t leave his room, he occasionally went to the bathroom whenever he needed, but he avoided the kitchen at daytime since he knew his mum would be sitting in it, most likely crying. Anne was the last person Harry would want to see, that’s a thing that was clear to him.

Harry sometimes thought about why he even listened to what his mother said, why he even stayed inside just because she told him too, but he came to the conclusion that he was trying to stay out of more trouble, he had been in enough shit even though he never started anything.

Right now, Harry was sitting on the window sill and looked outside. It was evening and everything was dark except for the street lights lightening up the street at some points. White frost was glistening on the grass that grew in the front yard and Harry knew it was freezing without having to go outside.

When Harry tore his gaze away from the street, his look fell upon the bottles standing on his desk, most of them were empty already, but there were some that Harry hasn’t drank already – Harry started drinking again because everything tasted sweeter without conscious thoughts attached.

Sighing, he pushed himself off the window sill and walked over to his bed, grabbing a bottle in the progress. Harry dumped down on his bed and opened the bottle, taking a sip out of it and started to feel the liquid running down his throat. He didn’t lower the bottle until he took about five sips and a photo lying on his night stand caught his attention. Harry put the bottle away and picked the photo up, looking at it.

It was a photo of Louis and Harry at the beach on their date. Louis printed the photo out and handed it to Harry in school, saying he should hang it on his wall so the posters of his bands wasn’t the only thing hanging on his wall, and that Harry should start hanging memories on his wall.

Harry and Louis were both smiling wide and the sun set that had been in front of them drowned everything in a golden light, and the picture was simply beautiful, showing pure happiness.

Harry got up and walked over to his cupboard where he pulled open a drawer. He cut off a stripe of tape and hung the photo on the empty wall so it was catching everyone’s attention, well, Harry’s attention since he was the only one coming in his room.

As soon as he finished that, he slipped under the covers of his bed again and closed his eyes, hoping sleep would come, but he couldn’t tear his thoughts away from his mind.

He felt terrible that he was stuck in his room, he missed the feeling of Louis’ smaller body in his arms, he missed Louis’ kisses, but the thing that made Harry feel terrible was the fact that he knew Louis needed him right now and he couldn’t be there for him.

With the thought swarming around in his head like angry bees, Harry drifted away into a restless, dreamless sleep.


Zayn was annoyed as he arrived at home, sneaking his suitcase into his room where he locked it in the closet, making a mental note to himself that he would unpack it later as he turned around again. He walked down the stairs and went to his car.

He dumped down on the driver’s seat, turned the car on and drove off while turning the radio on as he headed for Louis’ house in the intention to check on his friend.

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