Letter IX

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Dear Bully,

I got another note in my locker today.

It said:

I hope you have been taking the pills and have written in the diary. Have you used the knife yet? Hopefully you have. No one wants you here why don't you go kill yourself. If you haven't noticed yet you have no friends.


When I got home I decided to do it.

I first wrote a note:

' Dear family,
I know you don't care about me. Someone has been bullying me since I came to this school. I love you even though you don't love me. It's not your fault. This is my final goodbye before I leave for good. I love you. Goodbye.

Your sister and daughter Anna

I went into my brothers room to say goodbye.

"Hey Steve I just wanted to say goodbye."

He looked at me funny but said goodbye back.

I went downstairs and told my parents goodbye.

They just looked up and nodded.

My sister was in the other room and I said goodbye.

She said bye and looked back at the tv.

I took your pills and overdosed by 8.

I cut myself until it hurt so much I had to stop.

I screamed.

My vision went blurry.

I saw someone run into my room.

It was my brother.

He called the police.

An ambulance came and drove me away.


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