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"Okay... I have a crazy idea."

"...And that would be?" Cody asks after it was quiet for a minute. I pull out the list from my pocket, unfold it, and put it on the table we were all sitting around. Amanda was the first to grab it, " a bucket list?" She asks.

"We could all make a bucket list and try to complete ours before the end of summer, ya know together." They start passing around the paper, "Are you sure we can do all the things on this list?" Ashlyn asks. "Well we obviously can't do the graduate college one but there is 99 others we can do." "39. Lose my virginity." Jordan reads off the list. "Okay 98, but I've already done a few."

"This is crazy." Sydney says.

"Okay yes, it may be a little crazy..." I reply

"90. Go to Hollywood." Amanda says.

"Okay maybe a little more crazy than I think..."

"How would we even do all of this?" Cody asks. "Well... A lot of these things we can do right here in Florida, then I got $600 dollars for my graduation present. I can do the more expensive things by myself."

"Okay you're forgetting one thing though, parents approval." "I already have my mom's approval, that's why I'm running it by you, if you want to or not it's your choice, if you do then we can figure out parents."

"I can't." Ashlyn says, "I'm going on a vacation this summer with my family."

"Me neither, I have a million things to do this summer." Sydney tells me.

"Okay, anyone else that can't do it?" I ask.

"I'm going to my aunts house for the next few weeks, so I won't be able to do anything until I get back." Kobe says.

"If I get the say so from my parents sure." Amanda says.

"I should be good except for my parents." Cody says.

"Well me and Dana are going to Vidcon as well so we should be good, just gotta double check with our parents, right Dana?" Jordan says.

"Yeah." Dana says.

"Okay, so moving on..." And with that we leave the subject behind and start talking about each other's summer plans.

After a good amount of time and a Younow broadcast later I drive Kobe back then head home. I get back home at about quarter past three and find the car missing. I send my mom a quick text and tell her I'm home. I head back up to my room and flop down on my bed.

I think back to the conversation about the bucket list and let out a sigh. There's no way they would even remotely want to do this. I sit up pulling the piece of paper out of my pocket, again.

I start looking at it and get an idea. So I grab some more paper and a pencil and start working on it. Soon my mom got home and I helped her with dinner. My sister finally came out of her room, well that I know of, to eat. After dinner I help clean up and get back into work, next thing I know it's already 9.

I get about halfway through when I hear the doorbell ring. I head downstairs to see Jordan through the peephole.

"Hey what's up?" I say after opening the door. "Umm... We need to talk." I furrow my brows and gesture for him to come in. We head into my room and I flop down on my bed as he takes a spot in my desk chair.

"Okay, what's up?" I ask him after he decides to stay quiet.

"This bucket list things it's...."

"Crazy? Stupid? A joke? Take your pick."

"Umm I was gonna say pretty cool, but yeah I guess we can go with crazy if you like."

I roll my eyes at him, "Really? You didn't seem so enthusiastic at Amanda's? No one really was." "Well... This is super last minute and they had other ideas in mind." He says.

"Yeah I guess your right, but I'm still doing this, it may be stupid and crazy but hey after all number 79 is have an unforgettable summer."

"Well... Do you have any plan more than just be spontaneous?" He asks.

"Well... No not really..." "Man your hopeless." He mutters out. "Hey!" "I'm only kidding! But seriously if we're gonna do this thing we gotta do it right." "We?" "Did I stutter?" He asks fake hurt.

"Oh my gosh you are the best!" I say getting up and hugging him. "Okay okay, enough hugging, more planning." "Okay. What about your list?" "Oh yeah I forgot, here. This is my summer bucket list, not my lifetime one." He hands me a paper and I unfold it.

1. Have an amazing summer
2. Help a friend complete her bucket list
3. Try Butter beer

"Just three things?" "Yes, but very important ones at that." "Your a dork, but come on anything else?" "Well I already stole butter beer from yours what else you got?"

"Hmm... 45. Have flannels in every color?" "Funny, already do, next?"

"50. Make a giant chocolate chip cookie?" "Sure add it. What else?" He asks.

"Ooh perfect 47. Be a princess for a day?" "I can respond one of two ways to that, 1. I'm Harry Potter, or 2. Please, I'm a princess all day everyday."

"Whatever potter, 56. Flour fight?" "Dude that would be so hilarious." Jordan says getting excited.

"Okay... 74. Pie someone in the face?" "Okay how about everything you got will also be my bucket list, well besides a few things." He tells me. "Deal."

"Okay how are we organizing this?" He asks. "I don't know, we have to spread this out and some we can't plan." "Okay... Well let's get started it's gonna be quite awhile." He tells me.

"Well then, we can at least mark one thing off or list already." I comment. "Which would be?" He asks.

"33. Pull an all nighter." I tell him.

He bursts out laughing. "Please! That's been checked multiple times for me." "Yeah, true." "Well, let's check it off once more I guess."

The Bucket List || Jordan HannaWhere stories live. Discover now