Chapter 1

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"Nothing never fucking works for me anymore.. 4 years down the drain with that whore," John mumbles as he sits on the couch drinking his fourth beer that morning. "I gave her everything, and all she did was just sleep around!" He throws his bottle at the wall as it shattered into tiny bits. John hears a knock on the door , and he gets up off the couch and opens the door to find his best friend Danny standing there.

John looks a Danny, "What do you want?" John asked Danny. "Well I'm here to help you get over that whore that left you, tonight my friend I'm your wing man," Danny replies with a smirk. John walks into his bedroom and gets dressed, as he whispers to himself, "no one will fix my heart." He puts on a button down shirt and blue jeans and pair of nice black shoes.

Sorry this isn't the best, butbim trying my hardest

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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