Chapter 5

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A/N Thanks for all the support I've gotten so far, all of your comments and like really encourage me!

Chapter 5-
The day continued on as regular, except all the Cullen's, save for Alice, left.
Classes were boring as usual and most of the time I spent was thinking of Edwards and I's spat and then, breakup.
But I needed to speak to Alice about Edwards deception and his whole thing about mates and him needing me.
Maybe she knew something I didn't. Which was probable.

"Alice," I said, after the last bell had rang, "I really need to talk to you." Urgency was palpable in my tone and she took notice. She led me outside, into the woods to a little creek that ran down a narrow path.

We sat down on the lush grass and while looking at the water run over the rocks, I began to speak.

"I broke it off with Edward today, as I'm sure you heard. He told me he needed me and that we were mates and I couldn't just break up with him. He's lying though. I don't understand how to defend myself to him when I don't understand mates and stuff myself."

Alice pondered my words before answering.

"Think about it this way. Somehow, somewhere, sometime, someone created your other half. They compliment every aspect that you have and vice versa. You can never leave your mate without intense pain and the eventually, you wither away and most people go insane and kill themselves. But with your mate, you feel at home, safe, loved and just perfect. It's every positive emotion at once. It's the most intense feeling." Alice explains and her eyes light up in a beautiful way and I knew she was thinking of Jasper.

A little pinprick in me was jealous of Alice. Her mate was wonderful and I wasn't even sure if I had one. I voiced my thoughts to Alice and she looked at me and smiled softly.

"Darling Bella, if you aren't sure whether you love someone, chances are you don't," she gave a little snort, "and with mates, Bella, most people look at their mate first time and pronounce their love before jumping right into bed for a week. It's love at first sight and it's all consuming. You'd know, trust me."

When I first met Edward, he freaked the heck out of me.

"Alice. Edward and I aren't mates, that much is obvious, but he keeps saying we are. He says he needed me and he sounded so desperate." Alice hummed a little and tapped her delicate finger against her chin.

"Come," she said as she stood up, "let's go chat with Jasper. He can read Edwards emotions after all. Maybe he can give some insight." I stood up as well and brushed some stray pieces of grass from my legs.

Everyone was long gone when we came back to the parking lot and Alice drove me to her house. Apparently, the house was empty except Jasper, because they had gone hunting, but Jasper didn't want to go without Alice.

I gazed out the window the entire time, thinking of what would become of me now that I had told Edward we were no longer together. Would Carlisle be upset? I wondered as we pulled into the driveway. Who would he side with? We were at the front door know. Would Esme still love me as her daughter? Alice opened the door and we both stepped inside.

But I was ready no matter what, to confront my demons. I had to accept that Edward wasn't the one for me, nor I him. We both had much better matches out there and we both deserved to find them.

Though maybe Edward should take etiquette lessons first.

"Jasper!" Alice said at a normal tone, though I knew Jasper would hear just fine, "Bella and I need to talk to you."

Jasper was downstairs in a flash, and he kissed Alice chastely on the lips and smiled at her lovingly before giving me a southern grin. We all went to the kitchen and while Alice prepared me an Italian dressed salad, I began to speak with Jasper.

"Jasper," I began, "I wanted to know if you have been picking up any weird emotions from Edward lately? Concerning me?" Jasper looked at me seriously and ran a hand through his hair, a nervous habit.

"Honestly, yes. He's been very deceiving and weirdly obsessive and possessive. It's not love, it's warped."

I nodded, feeling nervous but I needed to know more.
"Do you know what he's lying about?" I asked. Jasper shook his head, his curls bouncing lightly.

"Nope. Though if you asked him questions and I was in the room, I could determine whether his answer was truthful." I nodded again, musing over the information given to me.

"Bella. I must tell you, Edward is becoming a little bit too obsessive when it comes to you and I'd be careful around him. He's almost bordering on violence." My hands trembled. I did not want Edward coming into my room at night anymore and I realized that glass would not stop him if he's after blood.

My blood.

"Jasper, I'm his singer, right?" Jasper nodded, a crease forming between his eyebrows. "What if he wants to drink my blood and that's why he's obsessive about me?"

"That's a very strong possibility." Jasper said darkly. I buried my face in my hands.

"Alice," I said, my voice muffled, "can I sleepover tonight?" Alice gave a tinkling laugh and rubbed my shoulder.

"Your welcome to sleepover anytime. Though I do recommend speaking to Carlisle about Edward as soon as possible." She said seriously. Carlisle would most definitely be helpful in dealing and disciplining Edward, if needed.

I ate my salad quickly, and it was delicious, but I was too nervous to enjoy it properly. Alice, Jasper and I talked about nothing and everything for an hour before we heard the door opening and Carlisle, Esme, Rose, Emmet, and Edward returning from their hunt.

I grasped Alice's hands tightly in fear of Edward somehow knowing what I had said and deciding to kill me before he was stopped.

They all came into the kitchen except for Emmet, who according to Rose, wrestled with a bear and got quite dirty and went up to shower. I could barely look at Edward with shaking and my heart rate increasing.

This was getting ridiculous.

I didn't even know if I was right about my suspicions.

"Bella," Edward said, his voice deceivingly calm, "perhaps now we can have out little chat?" I forced a smile.

"Of course, I'll meet you in your room in a minute okay?" My voice seemed even to me but I could hear my heart pounding like a drum. Edward zoomed upstairs, presumably to his room after I finished speaking. 'Jasper', I whispered, 'wait outside the room in case anything goes wrong.' He nodded his consent and I walked upstairs slowly and Jasper trailed behind me. I heard Esme's and Alice's chatter from the kitchen and the dead silence of Edwards room.

In all honesty, I was terrified to even enter his room.

But I took a deep breath and went into the room with the man I used to love.

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