Addict With A Pen

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(Btw, if you guys were wondering about Bird, she did have an abortion. My step mom explained to me that when you have an abortion they sedate you and most likely give you medicine. Which means, she shouldn't mix that with alcohol, so that's why Gabe said no alcohol. Okay, now enjoy!)

- 1 Week after Max confessed -

"Taylor, he needs this. It's his closure. If he doesn't spend time in jail for committing a murder, he's going to go insane. At least he feels like he's doing the right thing while he's in there," Carter explains to Taylor. "Carter, don't even start with me. We both know Max isn't capable of murder, but Lori sure is," Taylor spits back. Carter throws her hands up exasperated and storms out of Taylor's room.

"What's going on? Are you okay, Elephant?" Grant asks as he sees Carter approaching the top of the stairs to descend them. "Yeah, it's nothing, Armadillo. Just trying to help Taylor see my side of logic," Carter answers truthfully. They smile at each other at the old reference and Carter continues her way descending down the stairs. Grant goes into his room to begin piecing things together as he plays some video games.

Carter goes into the kitchen and sits on the island as she waits for Crash to arrive at the front door. Elizabeth comes in and comments, "I'm proud of you, Carter. You've come a far way. Helping Max confess wasn't an easy feat, but you did it." Carter gives her a stiff smile as she feels kind of bad for being the one to help him put himself in jail, but she knows it's for the best. "Yeah, I guess so," Carter sighs. Elizabeth walks over to Carter and gives her a hug. Carter embraces her until the doorbell rings. Carter escapes the embrace with a halfhearted smile to Elizabeth as she sprints to the front door.

Carter opens the door expecting Crash, but instead is faced by Bird, Gabe and Ofe. Carter gasps and wraps her arms around Ofe's neck. "How the hell are you here," Carter exclaims, "Aren't you supposed to be in rehab?" Ofe gently breaks the embrace and announces, "I've officially been sober long enough to be back in my normal life. Well, not normal considering I won't be able to have drugs." Carter gasps as that sinks in and she finally lets herself sink in his features. "Wow, you really have cleaned up," she compliments. Ofe smiles, "Thank you, darling."

Carter invites them in and they all head up to Carter's room. Ofe notices Taylor's door is slightly open meaning that she's home and heads over to her room. Ofe knocks 3 times in a pattern and Taylor answers, "Come in." Ofe opens the door all the way and walks into her room. Taylor's eyes widen and she stammers, "W-What are you doing here?" Ofe rubs the back of his neck and explains, "I'm free of going to rehab. I've been sober and back on my feet to where they thought it was time I be free."

Taylor congratulates him, "Oh, that's awesome, Ofe!" Ofe replies with a half smile and puts his hands in his pockets. "So, where have you been staying," Taylor blurts, trying to break the ice. "Oh, um, my dad's took me back in once they drug tested me and I came out clean," Ofe informed. "Well, that's great. I know they're very caring and accepting," Taylor observed. "Yup," Ofe agreed, "I guess we should go with the rest of the gang." Taylor was still mad at Carter, but still wanted to catch up with Ofe, so she gave in and left with him into Carter's room.

"So that's where you've been, Ofe! We started to worry, but thanks for finally getting Taylor out of her room," Carter rambled. Ofe grinned and Taylor went over to Bird and hugged her. Bird gladly hugged her back, and Gabe cleared his throat. "Oh, right. Tell us everything that's happened with you," Bird demanded Ofe. Ofe stretched his legs out on Carter's bed as he said, "Oh, nothing much. It was pretty boring to be honest. I was so used to all the hallucinations and crap that I forgot how boring reality could be. I went to AA meetings with middle aged women and men, the occasional 20 year olds that obviously couldn't stay sober, and some elder people... Some of the elder men hit on the younger women... It was gross. Then since my dads' weren't allowed to take me back until I was sober, I had to move in to an Oxford house which is for recovering alcoholics and addicts. I moved in and had 7 roommates in the house, and 2 of them shared a room with me. They were quite polar opposites of each other. One loved heavy metal, the other loved pop. One loved horror movies, the other loved comedy movies. The list goes on forever. It was basically like high school, but you had to live with your classmates, so I guess it was more like college. Yeah, I ended up getting a job at a local coffee shop and I'm still working there."

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