Thomas Jefferson x Reader

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A/N: this fic is detected to my good friend FrozenFever113


It had been almost two years since you've seen your closest friend Thomas Jefferson. He was off in France trying to persuade the King of France to sigh a treaty to aid America in the war against Britain.
You wanted so badly to go with him, and he wanted you to go too, but your father, a very strict man, was strongly against it telling you that you were needed home. You stayed behind.
When you first met Thomas you were no less than 13 years of age, he was 14 a year older than you. He was always so sweet, and kind, and he always knew how to make you smile whenever you felt down. As the years went by you became quiet infatuated with the poofy haired, magenta clad, southerner.
"(Y/N)." He said to you one night while the two of you were hanging out at a bar with one of your friends James Madison.
"Next week I am to leave to do some business in France. I don't know how long I'll be gone, just wanted you to know" He sounded rather depressed.
"Hey," he nudged you smiling slightly, "I'll write to you, ok?"
You smile back, "ok."
You're heart sank the day he left, and the day you saw him Saul away into the distance. You never got the chance to tell him how you felt.
Time moved on and so did you. Yes, you were still sad about you're best friend's departure, but you knew he was coming back. You just didn't expect him to take him this long.
You wrote frequently, he told you of how beautiful France was and how he wanted so badly to be in Monticello. You smiled at how charming he was in his letters, and you wrote him how life was handling you without him.
However, you grew worried because you weren't receiving his letters anymore, it's been almost a month.
Maybe he's been really busy? That could be a possibility, whenever he's tired he tends to forget things often.
But would he really forget about his best friend?
You were pulled away from your thoughts as you hear someone knock on your door.
"Come in!"
Your older sister came in with a rather gleeful expression. "(Y/N), I believe this is for you." She said shoving a letter into your palms and running out the door.
Boy look down examining a letter, the envelope had your name etched in fancy writing, you didn't recognize the writing however. You decide to open the letter which read;
Meet me at the park near your house today at 1o'clock today.
Huh, weird. You glance over at the grandfather clock.
You shrugged and having decided to go meet this mystery person.


You arrive at the park. It was rather beautiful, bright green grass blowing in a light breeze, a small pond with coy fish swim around surrounded by a small ring of rocks, benches were in various places, and the trees were planted here and there.
To your disbelief, you found the park was completely empty.
You sign, maybe they could be late, or it's jut all a big hoax.
You sit on a nearby bench facing the pond. You watch as the coy fish swim together in perfect unison, circling each other never once breaking apart. You smile.
Suddenly your vision is blocked by a pair of hands. You jump.
"Hey what the-"
"Guess who??" A voice calls out from behind you. An all two finalist voice.
Your heart sped up, you felt a rush of excitement come over you.
You smirk, "oh hello there Alexander." You try to suppress a laugh.
He took his hands away from your face, "whaaaaa! Really (Y/N)?"
You burst out laughing standing up and giving him a tight hug, "I'm only joking Thomas, of course I know it's you!" You exclaim a little too excited.
Thomas hugged you back placing a small kiss a top your head, thankfully he couldn't see the blush forming in your cheeks.
"You came back!" You said with your head in his chest.
He stroked your hair, "I came back for you."
You look up at him.
He lets go, then holds your hands looking into your (e/c).
"(Y/N), there's something I need to ask you." He said nervously.
"Yes Thomas?"
There was a moments silence, Jefferson looked rather nervous. He sighed and drew a little closer to you.
"(Y/N), being in France for as long as I have been I've been rather lonely without you. I missed you so much and my heart has been yearning for you. I can't log with you in my life anymore.
"I've talked it over with your father and I've convinced him to say yes for you to come back with me to France. But the thing I really need to ask you is..." Thomas for down on one knee, you let out a small gasp as he pulled out a small magenta box from his pocket.
"I love you (Y/N). I've loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. I know it might be a bit to soon but...will you marry me??" He asked nervously.
You smile pulling him up and planting a small kiss on the tip of his leaving him dazed.
"Thomas, I love you more than anything in the world, of course I'll marry you."
She smiled brightly slipping the ring on your finger, it fit perfectly. He then swooped you up into a big hug and spinner around. Once he came to a stop he planted a kiss on your lips, you kissed back. Happily knowing that you were going to spend the rest of your life with your beloved Thomas Jefferson.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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