Prince Laurence

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"Prince Laurence
Dang it! I blew it, that was my chance! I had a plan as the maid was picking up my room. I thought of the plan when I was first reading, called Romeo and Juliet. I love the maid so I would help her. I had planed to put my two favorite mice down, Ginger and Sugar down on the floor,then she would freak out like any other girl would, then I would rescue her and then finally she would fall for me. She wasn't even looking. I put them on the floor. She shrieked so high that I started to laugh and totally forgot about the plan. A couple of minutes later I hear the screaming stop and crying. I look over my shoulder and see Garroth and the maid hugging. No she can't fall for him! This plan was for her to fall for me!"

Cuz I was feeling generous I post more 4 the peeps that actually read my terrible books.

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