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Fanfic: An Endless Supply of Rubies Ch 1, Tudors | FanFiction

6 July 1519

"Remind me again why I should sign this treaty, Woolsey?" the King grunted. "I signed a treaty last year to unite Europe."

It was the truth, and Woolsey knew this. Along with France, Spain, and the Holy See, England had pledge peace in Europe, but Woolsey knew that there were others in Europe to deal with, like the German states. Woolsey's proposed treaty, however, would secure an alliance with King Christian II, the king of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.

Christian II's wife, Isabella of Austria, had given birth to a son the previous year, a boy named Hans who was first in line for Christian II's crowns. Since there was a possible betrothal between Mary and one of the French princes, it was Woolsey's idea to contract Amelia, Henry's youngest daughter, to Prince Hans. Marriage, after all, was the best way to secure an alliance.

"It will give you another European ally. The kingdoms of Norway and Sweden are across a channel just as we are, and strong naval powers as well. It would be beneficial to the kingdom to secure an alliance like this, Your Majesty," Woolsey replied, hurrying to keep up with the King's strides.

"Does it have to be Amelia?" Henry demanded, turning abruptly and stopping Woolsey in his tracks.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I'm afraid so," the older man responded. "Since Princess Mary is already contracted to the Dauphin, Princess Amelia is the only option."

A look of anger flashed briefly across Henry's face before he turned back around and continued his walk. Mary may have been the pearl of his world, but Amelia was an endless supply of rubies. Amelia took after Henry, with dark blonde hair and blue-green eyes. She was a cheerful child, but loved to sit quietly on her father's knee whenever she was present in court. Henry couldn't help but fall in love with the tiny girl.

Under the proposed treaty, Amelia would become a ward to Christian II and move to the family's estate in Copenhagen, where she would be raised to be Queen Consort of the land. He trusted the royal family to do a good job. Isabella of Austria was, after all, Catherine's niece. Something tugged at his heart, however, when he walked into the chamber where the treaty and the families waited and saw the biggest smile spread across his youngest daughter's face.

Woolsey went though all the formal business, and Henry and Christian signed the treaty. When the governess tried to lead Amelia away, Catherine gave her a small push, and whispered in her ear. Amelia's tiny head nodded, and she pulled out of her governess's grip and rushed over to her father, wrapping her small arms around his leg. He was surprised by the gesture, visibly so, before a warm smile filled his face and he reached down to stroke his daughter's hair

"Do I really have to go to Denmark, father?" her tiny voice asked. "I want to stay here with you!"

Henry lifted to the little girl to his hip. "I'm afraid so, sweetheart. But do not worry. Your mother and Mary and I will visit you in one years' time. Chin up, little one. You represent all of England now."

Amelia nodded furiously. Henry kissed his daughter on her forehead, and she kissed his cheek in return. Carefully, he set the girl on the floor and she took her blushing governess's hand and walked over to the Danish royal family. A wave of sadness washed over the king, and he turned on his heel and strode out of the room, thinking that he would never see his youngest daughter again.


Everyone around her moved quickly, packing up the belongings of the royal family. Some of the servants wailed, and others grieved silently. Amelia, now six years old, watched the hustle and bustle with confusion. She stood next to her governess, a young woman named Barbara, and the children of the royal family. Five-year-old Hans, three-year-old Dorothea, and two-year-old Christine were with their governess, Anna, while Isabella directed those who were packaging the family's belongings.

"What is happening, Barbara? Why are they taking all our things away?" Amelia asked, tugging on Barbara's skirt.

Barbara knelt down to Amelia's level and took both of her hands. "Christian is no longer king, so we can't stay in Denmark any longer."

"Oh," Amelia replied. Her face scrunched up as she thought. "Does this mean that I get to go back to England?"

"No, child," Barbara responded. "The contract drawn up between your father and Christian states that you are to marry Hans, not the Prince of Denmark, so we must stay with them. But look on the bright side, little one. We are headed to the Hapsburg Netherlands!"


Nine-year-old Amelia sat silently in her black mourning clothes, a tear running down her cheek as she listened to the funeral mass being delivered by the priest. Next to her in the pew sat her betrothed, Hans, now eight, a few tears falling from his eyes at the loss of his mother. Dorothea, now six, sat on her other side, grasping her hand, and five-year-old Christine sat on Barbara's lap. Anna had passed just last year, forcing Barbara to take on the other three children. Now Isabella of Austria, their mother, had passed.

The affair was solemn and short, and afterwards, Margaret of Austria began to argue with Christian. She wanted to take the children from him, since he had converted to Protestantism. Margaret wouldn't have the children raised by heretics. It was unacceptable. Eventually, Margaret won out, and the children, along with Amelia, were brought to Margaret's estates.

Once again, Amelia found herself in an unfamiliar place, learning a new language and attempting to understand her place in this new life.


Things in Hapsburg started out tumultuous, then smoothed out as Amelia had grown accustomed to the new life. But in 1532, everything changed.

Christian returned to Norway, determined to have Hans renamed Crown Prince. At about the same time, the Holy Roman Emperor took Hans to begin grooming him for political life.

Christian failed, and was imprisoned.

Hans caught a sickness, and died, at only fourteen years old.

Amelia, now a young girl of fifteen, was back to being alone in the world.

There were talks over what to do about her. She had never been married to Hans, since the Emperor had taken him before he could reach his fourteenth birthday, the age required for a male to marry. Technically, she had been a ward of Christian's, but with Christian imprisoned, Hans dead, and no other male sons to betroth her to as the contract had stated, the family was at a loss. Were they still contractually obligated to provide for her?

Then, news from England came. The King, upset that his wife could not give him a son, was seeking a divorce from her. Amelia could barely remember her parents, let alone the country where she was from. Her first language was no longer English, and she spoke with an accent. But to Margaret of Austria, Amelia was the perfect thing to keep her parents together. She was nothing more than a pawn in a political game. After the proper mourning period, Amelia would be sent back home to England.

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