Do You Believe In Fate?

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I am starting a collaborative. I recently got the inspiration to tell people how blessed they are to be alive, and I want YOUR help! Anyone interested in sharing their life's story, please contact me at this email address: Thank you!

I am uploading all of the posts, but I will be sure to include your first name, screen name, and everything if I use your story. Nothing foolish, people, but I'll have the first post up today so you have an example of what I mean.

People today just don't realize how blessed they are, and how grateful they should be to just be alive. But they should also realize that there is a purpose to their life, despite whether or not they have found out what that is yet. That is what I want to teach people.

What are you thankful for? Do you believe in fate? Have you had life-threatening experiences that you narrowly survived, thinking "How did I make it out of that?" It's because you were meant to live. It wasn't your time. So, if you believe in fate, or if you don't and want to, please read this collaborative. The story group will be titled "Do You Believe In Fate?" and each story will be titled "ScreenName's Story."

Please help me out with this project! I really want to do something new, and try to boost the happiness in the world! This IS the WorldWideWeb, right? So the whole world can see it! Bahahaha! Lol, okay, I'll leave you with that.

I'll also leave you with a quote from a wonderful book by Matthew Kelly, from which I recieved my inspiration to begin this project:

"Regret over things done can be eased over time. Regret over things left unsaid and undone is inconsolable.

"Now is your time. You have one life, and it is short. Use it powerfully. Celebrate it as a precious gift. Don't allow fear to paralyze you. As Goethe wrote, "Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid."

"Life is too short to be lived halfheartedly and far too short to lose yourself in the day-to-day drudgery and the hustle and bustle. Dedicate yourself to the things that deserve your dedication.

"Life is short, and you are dead an awfully long time. Live life passionately."

from the 'New York Times' Bestseller, "The Rhythm of Life: Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose" by Matthew Kelly.

Live life passionately!

Do You Believe In Fate?Where stories live. Discover now