"HMMEDIV!"Cheyenne was trying to scream Medics name but of course it was muffled.her Medic turned to her and walked over slowly pulling her through the portal closing it behind her so no one could come in and know about this."Cheyenne?What happened to your mouth?!"Medic asked sounding worried as he could see Cheyenne was still bleeding.She couldn't speak so she tried her best to speak in sign language.Medic could ruffly translate it and he then needed to make sure what he read was right."So you're saying that Red Medic kidnapped you and sewed your mouth shut since you screamed?"Medic asked.Cheyenne nodded and then said something else."You brought Scout back and you can open dimensions all the time?"He asked making sure he understood her right.She nodded again and opened a portal that led to where Scout was currently which was somewhere near the administrator and he was trying to kill her.She turned around fast and quickly said something else in sign language and Medic could tell she had to hurry up and help Scout."Okay,good luck and be careful."Medic said watching her leave.She ran to Scout and hugged him."Cheyenne!What happened why is your mouth sewn shut?"Scout asked sounding like Medic did.Scout saw that she was trying to say something in sign language."WHAT!RED MEDIC IS GONNA DIE NOW!"Scout yelled after Cheyenne told him what happened then she said something again.I-a-m-s-o-r-r-y-b-u-t-I-c-a-n-n-o-t-l-e-t-y-o-u-d-o-t-h-a-t,and with that she opened a portal behind Scout and her wings appeared and she pushed him in it closing it once he was in.She then looked over to the building Scout was going in to and walked to it and in it."Oh I see he-why are you here?"The administrator asked confused.Cheyenne did not respond and kept walking(YEAH!Be Chell my friend XD)until she saw a door.She opened it and when she walked in she was punched in the back of her head in attempts to knock her out,but it did not work.She saw the administrator holding the missile codes ready to launch another one,so Cheyenne opened another portal hoping this dimension was empty and thankfully it was.Then she said something.N-o-w-g-o-i-n-t-h-e-r-e-a-n-d-y-o-u-w-o-n-'-t-d-i-e,but the administrator would not go in as Cheyenne expected so she had to improvise and grabbed the nearest thing in the room.She found a small knife so Cheyenne grabbed it before the administrator could react and stop her.She then swung the knife at the administrator but was thrown back and hit the wall and blacked out.She woke up in another black room but she saw Angel Scout in front of her this time."Cheyenne,you want to fix this all I know you want to help your friends and get them out of the different dimensions.Well I can help."Scout said holding his hand out but letting Cheyenne speak first.She had tears in her eyes but smiled."Please,let me go back and bring everyone back and be able to end this war and pain pertinently I don't want to keep doing this."She said realizing the stitches were no longer in her mouth and she could talk again.Scout had smiled at how much she wanted to save her friends and end not her pain but theirs,now she did say she didn't want to have to go through this anymore she was still willing to put her needs aside for her friends.He held out his hand and then said something."C'mon,you'v come this far to ending it so you can't give up now.All your friends know you can do this,they are watching you and wishing you the best of luck.You are doing great all you need to do is stay strong,then you can help them."He walked close to her and stood in front of her."Well it seems like you have to go now so lets make a deal,well you fight and kill the administrator.I can fix the dimensions so you can bring everyone back,so deal or no?"Scout asked holding out his hand for a hand shake.Cheyenne smiled shaking his hand."Deal."She said as the room began to fade to white but not before she heard one last thing."We are all routing for you!"The voice faded away as Cheyenne woke up in a cage and saw something terrible.
Save The Universe
FanficWARNING:FEELS The young girl that showed up, the one that became an angel, and after holding back her tears for so long, she is crying, she is the one who needs help. Cheyenne never wanted this to happen but sadly it did and now it is to late to go...