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1. Watch the anime first.

2. You can have about 6 OCS, I really don't care, as long as you can keep it under your control.

3. If you want to be one of the characters siblings, you can. My oc is Naruto's younger twin sister, so if you also want to be one of his siblings, then let me know.

4. If you want to be one of the other characters, then tell me which ones.

5. No overpowering everyone, you have to at least lose a few times because it wouldn't be fair for the one you're roleplaying with.

6. Relationships are okay, as long as it's only hugging and kissing.

7. Wait for me to reply to you before you start. It may be awhile for me to reply because I am sometimes busy.

8. Please make up your team, don't say team 7 because you can't. It's three man cells, not four.

9. MOST IMPORTANTLY HAVE FUN because we are all here to have fun right?

Go ahead and get to the next chapter to fill out your form. I'll wait for you.

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