Part 3

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A / N - Here is the last chapter or part to this series (one shot). I am so proud of this story and this chapter. It was fun writing and reading over. The comments and support overflowed for this story and I am so happy for its response.

I hope you love the ending and this story. I know I have.

So without more talking, heres the next and last part to Coffee Shop.!


"Can I see what's in box," Jackson asked as he watched Suzy who was standing in front of him.

She shook her head, tears flowing from her red eyes as she stared at him. Her hands wrapped firmly amd tightly to the box in her possession. Her eyes glanced down at the box and then back up at a nervous looking Jackson.

"I fucked up," she said mainly to herself but Jackson caught on to her words, "I did some dumb things then. I know it was wrong but..."

" -but you were hurt," Jackson said calmly now staring at her box.

"It doesn't make up for it. I could have gotten over it, but I could because I know that me getting over it, I would have lost him one way or the other. I was selfish."

Jackson didn't respond to her speaking, he just let the words she was letting out go up in the air. He couldn't let his words that were inching to come out mess up what progress he had gotten in the 9 minutes there.

" Suzy..."

She sighed and looked down at the box once again, "Yeah...?"

"Why did you tell me what happened?"

She laughed sadly and walked closer to him just a little with her head now raised up to face him.

"I think you know why..."

Jackson gave a confused look,"What? You want me to blab to the feds about it?"

"Yeah, I do," she said handing the box to a now shocked Jackson who stared at her and then the box, "Plus you get to see what's in the box."

"You know that you and those boys are-"

"Going to jail. Yeah I figure that much but, I have to. Its what's best."

She let go of the box in his hands and then turned away from him. She started her walk out of the alley, walking out and away from Jackson who was looking down at the box.

"Let me guess... they don't want to turn themselves in."

She turned to him and smiled to him.

"Let's say that only two live today and leave it at that."


"So we wait," Jackson said to JB who sat next to him.

Jackson had decided after leaving Mark's house that he had to turn the evidence in so that Jinyoung could have the closure he deserved. He had to convince JB to come since he was so damn ready to go home and leave that shit alone (his word exactly).

Jackson pulled him along to the station to report the tape and the box that Suzy had placed in his hands 5 hours earlier.

So now they sat in waiting, ready to turn in the stuff and leave to the home. Jackson was sitting on the back of the chair trying to get comfortable while JB was sitting on edge, leg shaking up and down.


Jackson got up and walked up the desk with a Jaebum hot on his trail. He leaned on the desk that separated the woman police officer and Jackson from each other.

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