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"Please" Karo asks
"You've been asking for 2 weeks and the answer is still no" I say
"I'll buy you a princess dress" he says
"A princess dress" I ask
"5 of your choosing" he says
"Let's go" I pulled him out of the door and when we got to the dress shop I went straight to a beautiful black dress type jump suit, it was made of shear with black lace coveting my chest and privates and it had a shear bottom that was like leggings and I beautiful waist cape of perfectly faded shear to lace ratio go in a horizontal upwards type spiral and the sleeves were shear with a strip of fading lace at the sleeve and I needed the dress
"Karo" I got the dress and took it to him
"I absolutely need this dress" I say
"Go try it on" I went to the changing room and I fell in love with it even more
"Karo" he wasn't there so I changed and went to look for another dress and a yellow backless high low dress with a sweet hear neckline and rhinestones scattering down the chest like glitter and I went to try it on and it surprisingly had a gripping pattern on the inside that didn't completely expose my chest and it fit perfectly in all the right places
"Karo" I opened the door and he wasn't there so I went back and changed and went to look for another dress and I found a beautiful purple dress that had tight looking satin top with a sweetheart neckline and pearls that lined the top, I still didn't know where Karo was but I went and tried it on then went to look for another dress. I found a beautiful red dress that had a slit on one side and was simple but beautiful and I tried it on then went to get another dress and I ended up getting a navy blue dress that had rhinestones and glitter that scattered over the dress like stars in the night sky and it faded from black to Navy to shear. I tried it on then went and got a pastel pink dress I saw and got a closer look at it and there it was covered with lace at the top with pearls scattered over the lace and the type fell into a V that had shear come down beautiful from it but Karo said he would only get me five but also wasn't here so I tried it on then went to get another dress. I picked a peach mermaid dress that was shear with lace covering my chest but had a shear torso and faded from coral to peach as it went down my legs, I tried it on and went to look for one more dress and found a short white one with the perfect amount of fluffiness on the bottom that had vine like lace on the top that was strapless and a neckline that faded from something like a cloud to wind so I tried it on then went to get another dress. I got a sky blue dress that started off lace then went down until it turned into a slightly lighter blue and the sleeves followed the same pattern but turned white at the palms I tried it on then promised myself one more dress. I got a beautiful dress that was light and almost weightless with a cloak of feathery lightness that was made of a silky white material that was smooth but texture and the dress it self split and slanted at my mid the and slowly faded until it didn't exist and it faded so perfectly I couldn't help but fall in love with it. I tried on the light dress then went and bought all ten dresses by myself, I tried to call Karo as I shopped things to match but it would only ring for a few seconds then go to voicemail.
Time Skip
Nobody knew where Karo went and he wasn't answering any calls so Mrs. Patty was worried but I was even more worried because his ring was sitting on his dresser. I've been trying to call for the past week and I had no luck and eventually came up with the idea that he left me. I called Eskimo, Ra, and Max to see if Karo was in South Korea or in America but they said no and I eventually gave up and decided to move back to South Korea because I didn't want to just sit there waiting for him to come back because if he never came back I would've wasted my time.
"Sing with more feeling" Jay says
"I am" I say
"I've heard you sing with tons more feeling than this" he says
"Well maybe I don't have enough feeling to waste!" Jay looked confused
"I'm sorry" I took the head phones off and left but before I could get 3 steps away from the sound booth he pulled me back in and hugged me
"It's been 5 months since he left you, you can't just keep letting that tear you down. You're better than that and I know you are. You're strong and you can get through this, I know you're tired of being used and taken for granted and heart broken and I'm sorry I was even one of the dicks to make you feel like this but you can't keep moping around everyday because he left you. You'll find your somebody and they'll treat you right" he says as I try to stop crying
"Why doesn't anybody love me" I ask
"Sh" he rubbed my back until I stopped crying
"Why aren't I good enough" I sniffle
"You are good enough" Jay says
"No I'm not, I wasn't good enough for you, Zico, Bobby, Ra, Eskimo, Eunho, Hiro, Kihyung, or Karo, I wasn't even good enough for my first few boyfriends when I was a kid. Quit lying to me and just tell me why I'm not good enough" I say
"I don't know why you weren't good enough" he says
"Well I'm gonna find out" my life spiraled downhill from there.
Time Skip
I had to get Akio and Moa to move back in with me because my depression hit me like a brick- scratch that, boulder. But at the 6 month mark of Karo's sudden disappearance I remembered that my place was furnished and stocked with food, Akio and Moa thoight I was good enough to go so Moa house sat while Akio went back to work so I could clean my place.

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