The Story of the Tree

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There was a tree in our backyard, and it was there since I was small.

It has given us a lot of things.

Shade, fresh air, and even memories.

It is where I let my cat climb, where I eat newly bought fresh apples, where I stay whenever I'm lonely or happy.

It has been my friend for years.

Until one day, our mean neighbor told us that the tree's roots were overgrowing, and will start destroying THEIR fences anytime, so the tree needed to be cut down.

My parents couldn't say no even though they knew it'll hurt my feelings. But our neighbor had a point.

So the day I was scared about came by.
The tree of my memories was being cut by several men.

Even though trees cannot speak, I can feel that it was hurt so much.. Who wouldn't if you were in that place??

They continued sawing the tree back and forth, while I'm inside my room, staring at them, crying, and my heart breaking.

The memories. How about the memories? Where will I stay when I'm lonely? When it's hot? When I'm eating apples?

Until the tree had completely fallen down.


My heart broke as if it was a glass.


The night after that, I picked some scraps from the tree. I still feel bad.

I looked up, and I saw a moon and gazillions of stars.

Maybe that is the reason.

The reason why the tree had to give up itself.

For me to see how big the world is.

I felt half bad and half better.

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