Chapter One

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I sighed, observing the scar on my face; it goes from the corner of my left eye to the right corner of my lips. I covered it up with makeup the best that I could (I can't tell you how much money I've spent on makeup to cover this damn thing). I can't let people see it for two reasons. One- it is absolutely hideous; two- I don't know who or what it came from. If people were to see it, they would all ask where or what I got it from, and if I can't answer that question I would look like a complete idiot.

"Liv!" someone called; my mother. "It's time to go!"

I sighed to myself again. I straightened out my navy blue skater dress, put on my nude heels, and looked in the mirror at my reflection. I tossed my long, dark brown hair (with light blue tips) over my shoulder and shrugged at my appearance. I look decent enough for this dinner.

It's my father's work annual company dinner. All of the employees and their families would get together once a year, while they all talk about business and other matters (all the while judging the families of their coworkers). It was rather amusing actually; seeing all of these "friends" talking and complementing their families, when they are actually thinking the complete opposite of what they are saying.

I grabbed my phone, looked at myself in my mirror one more time, and walked down the stairs where my parents were waiting for me. The clanking of my heels snapped their attention towards me. When they saw me, they smiled.

"You look beautiful, Liv," My father compliments as he herds us out of the house, into the garage, into the car.

"Thanks, Dad." I smile at him, while buckling up, getting ready to drive for an hour before we reached the docks. This year's dinner is on a boat, fancy, huh? No; I think that it is quite bombastic having it on a boat. Why not party at a banquet hall like a normal company? Oh well, I guess that that's the way of the vain-ish employees at Amazon. My dad is the top CEO for the international company. Quite exciting (not really).

My mind wandered off the entire drive to the docks. No one bothered to break me out of my own imagination. When we got to the docks, we all got out and my dad handed his keys to the valet, who looked at me and winked at me, which made me scoff and roll my eyes in disgust.

We walked through the marina, and found a bunch of ornate dressed people crowding around a big boat, which I assumed to be the boat we would be dining on this evening. I stayed close to my mom and dad as they walked around greeting people. I smiled at everyone, shook hands with people who held their hands out, hugged people who held their arms out, and kissed the cheeks of people who held their cheeks out expecting one, speaking only when I absolutely needed to. I've been to thousands of these party things, but I've never opened myself up to anyone at these events. I don't think I ever will, either.

"Ahhh... My best friend and his beautiful family!" The familiar voice made me smile. I turned around and saw my dad;s best friend since high school, Samuel Stinson, his wife, Rebecca, and his daughter, Rosalee. Seeing Rosalee made me smile a bit more.

Rosalee and I have a special relationship. We've been through the same things. With our fathers being big CEO's in a big company, our families have been moved around a lot. We were there for each other when we had no friends at a new school, when we had no one to go to. Rosalie is one of my very best friends.

"Hey Via!" Lee said, pulling me into a big hug, which I gladly returned (My name is Olivia, most people call me Liv, so she calls me Via. Most people call her Rose, I call her Lee).

I pulled away, only to be brought into another hug by Rebecca. "Hello, sweetheart. How are you?" I pull away from this hug, and smile at her.

"I'm good, Aunt Becca. How are you?"

"Absolutely well, dear, thank you for asking."

I turn to Samuel, with a small, cheeky smile on my face. "'Sup, Uncle Baldy?" (You can probably figure out why I call him that).

"Nothing much, Oat. 'Sup with you?" (My full name is Olivia Abigail Tenon. My initials are OAT).

I cringe at the nickname. "Nothing much, sir."

The adults began talking about something, and I began a conversation with Rosalee. It was pretty intresting, we were talking about some gossip we've heard in school for the past couple weeks, like how a girl named Madison is supposedly pregnant with a guy named Justin's kid, the newest couples, and more.

Rosalee was in the middle of saying something, when I noticed a little flicker of light behind her. I just shook it off at first, and returned to the conversation. We talked for a bit longer before we were ushered onto the boat. Our families were seated at a table together, like every year. The adults were talking about something, while Rosalee was eye flirting with someone a couple of tables away.

I was off in my own world, when I heard a little ringing sensation in my ears, but it wasn't like a normal ringing in my ears; it was completely different, but I couldn't explain it.

I apparently made a weird facial expression, because Rosalee nudged my side. "Are you okay? You look really confused over something." She asked me, concern painted on her face.

"You didn't hear the little ringing sound?" I asked her, sounding muddled.

Rosalee gave me a weird look. "No, there was no ringing, Via..." she trailed off, "Are you feeling okay? You look kind of pale..."

I nodded, very bewildered at the moment. No one else heard the ringing. "Yeah, I'm fine."

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