The Victors

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The four stood on the stage, covered in blood and scars.

"Takeo Daisuke!" The tall black haired boy stepped forward, a serious look on his face. He bowed and faced the crowd.

"Kamei Toshijimi!" The smaller brown haired girl walked forward, standing next to the previous boy from before.

"Daxia Kaede!" Another girl, the same size as the one before but with longer hair, walked up and stood beside Kamei.

"Isamu Katashi!" The last boy, the smallest one with dirty blond hair, proudly stepped up and stood beside the slightly taller girl.

"May I present to you, Aftermath victors of 2070!" The huge crowd cheered for the four, yelling their names and so. The four kept their serious faces, looking above the crowd straight into the spotlight as the cheering rang in their ears.


"So, what about this awesome place eh?" The smaller boy said as he walked into their new dorms.

"Yeah but, I could use my own room instead of sharing one with three other people." Daxia said as she set her bags down on the ground.

"You guys can choose your beds. I'm fine with whatever." Kamei said as she walked into the room. The taller boy ran in after Kamei and jumped on the metal bed by the wall farthest from the door.

"Called this one!" He yelled as he relaxed on the bed, only to roll off face down.

"Nope! I called it first!" Isamu yelled as he rolled Takeo off the bed and stretched. Daxia ran and jumped onto Isamu and pushed him off, making him fall onto Takeo. Meanwhile Kamei laughed at them and sat on another bed, leaning against the wall. She closed her eyes and ignored the others as they fought for the bed. She opens her eyes as she felt herself get pulled off and hits the floor.

"Ow heyyy." She rubs her head and looks up at the culprit, seeing a smirking Isamu. Kamei takes a deep breath and slams her hand on the table, catching all of their attention. "Daxia out of which of the top beds do you want?" She asked, looking at Daxia. Daxia shrugged and pointed to the one over Isamu.

"That one I guess." Kamei nodded and looked at the boys.

"Those are your beds now." They nodded and after a long moment of heavy breathing and awkward silence, Isamu spoke up.

"Soooo am I the only one who doesn't like The Severity?" He asked nerously. They all looked at him and Daxia rolled off her bed and fell hard on the ground.
"I.." Daxia got up from the ground and looked at Isamu. "HATE The Severity." She exclaimed, a strong gust of wind going through the room due to Daxia being a wind power user. Takeo sat up also.

"I hated The Severity from the start." He said with a tone. Kamei looked at him also.

"I feel the same. I think only dumbasses like The Severity. And sadly, this world is filled with dumbasses." She smirked and crossed her arms and Isamu let out a relieved sigh.

"Oh thank god I thought I would've been the only one." He laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "Ahm, aside from that, what magic do you guys use?" He asked nervously. "I use Earth." He said, holding his hand up as a small Lotus appeared and he gave it to Daxia.
"I think its pretty obvious I use air." Daxia laughed and took the flower from Isamu, blushing ever so slightly.

"I use water." Kamei said, making a small ball of water then dropping it out the window.

"And last, I use fire." Takeo said, standing up and glancing out the window, smiling and lighting a small branch on fire then having Kamei quickly out it out. The room was then again filled with an awkward silence, this time being erupted by Daxia.

"Hey. Its not anything big and all but, we've all seen how strong we all are. We have the four base elements. We all hate The Severity. We should make a rebel group!" She said excitedly. "I mean, we don't have to if you guys don't want to." She now had the other three's attention.

"I'm down." Isamu said, holding his right hand up.

"Fine with me. Sounds fun." Takeo said, raising his right hand also. All three now had their eyes on Kamei. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"I guess I will." She held up her right hand and smiled again, facing them.

"Yaay!" Daxia yelled and gave Kamei a hug, almost knocking her over.

"Since we're a group now, what should we be called?" Isamu asked, standing up. After about 30 seconds Takeo spoke up.

"Anti-Severity!" He yelled proudly.

"Nah, too obvious." Daxia shook her head and the room was filled with silence again.

"I know!" Kamei exclaimed and set her hand on the table. "Ansevere. Short for Anti-Severity." She smiled.

"Sounds good. I like it." Isamu said and looked at the other three.

"Good to me." Daxia and Takeo said in unison. Kamei smiled and clenched her fist.

"Ansevere. The victors of The Aftermaths, 2070. Together us four will fight and take down The Severity!" She yelled, throwing her fist in the air, the others copying her. They stayed in the same position for a bit, then heard a loud crack of lightning as the door swung open, showing identical twins. A boy and a girl. The four recognized the two instantly. The victors of last years Aftermaths, the Madoka twins. Saki and Seki, the lightning users. They looked up at the four and smirked, leaning against each other.

"We heard your entire plan." The two said in unison, stepping into their room. "And we're afraid we can't let you do that." They said again as a another crack of lightning was heard right outside the window. Kamei sighed and let her hands down.

"Great. More dumbasses."

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