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Authors note;

Hi there! This is (from what I can remember) my first actual serious fanfic I'm going to post onto this website. Quite ironic, is it not? Please do not hate on me if you do not exactly enjoy this ship! The characters might be a little off.. And I apologize for this. Nonetheless, I hope you still like my writing.

Thank you.


"Peek-a-boo- You found Fluffy Bunny."

Papyrus had already drifted off to sleep, snuggled up in his race car themed bed. Sans closed the book,  worn from being read so many nights. The corners of some certain pages torn, and illustrations of fluffy bunnies faded.  Yet- Pap never gets tired of it.

Heh, 'tired.'

The shorter skeleton chuckled to himself at his own little pun, looking down at the tires of the racer car bed. He hopped off the stool, the stool he used as a seat for when he read bedtime stories to his brother. Sans had to tip toe to put the book back in the top shelf because of that limited height of his. He gave one final glance to his sleeping sibling, before slowly shutting the door- without a sound.

After the human had murdered the underground's only King... The last ray of hope had been drained out of everyone's dreams. All six souls that had been previously collected, after years and years of hard work, mysteriously disappeared along with the leader of the royal Guard. Toriel, had come out of the ruins and became queen -once again- of the underground. She had tried reassuring everyone that they would someday be free from this prison named Home, but they know, deep down,  that is far from the horrible, horrible truth.

Every day, since then, had been the same. Sans and Papyrus would wait by the entrance of Snowdin, with hopes of more humans falling down to the infamous underground. Occasionally, the two brothers went inside the ruins, that had been open ever since the queen decided to put a stop to her absence from the throne. At night, the same story was read. And rarely, Sans would have the energy to visit his favorite restaurant, Grillby's, rather than lay on his bare bed, staring up at the grey ceiling.

This was one of those nights.

The fallen, white snow crunched beneath his pink slippers; sprinkles of the frozen rainfall tickling Sans' skull. The lights that lit up when nightfall arrived, glowed a soft, honey yellow hue. His shadow drew past the fairly decorated Christmas tree as Sans glanced over at a certain present, the smile on his face looking a bit more genuine for a second.

Sans stood in front of Grillby's, taking in the sight of this homey restaurant. The sign that showed it was still open reflected a faint yellow color, and the snow that had shed onto the roof slowly trickled down onto the floor in a more, liquid form- melting.

He sighed, his boney hand reaching for the door handle.

same as always.

Author's note;

This was part one of this short fanfic. Nothing really related to Mettasans really happened quite yet, but trust me, it will get here. I hope you enjoyed! I'll soon update the continuation of this, so stay tuned.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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