Chapter Seven

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Maddie awoke from a loud beeping noise. Her phone, of course. She rubbed her tired eyes before grunting and reaching under her pillow.

"Hey you get your car back today. Pick me up before school. Love you❤️."

Chloe. She laughed before replying.

"Sure. Be there in 45."

She yawned then hauled herself up. The clothes that she picked out the day before were laying on her dresser. A Mickey Mouse pocket tee, black Capri leggings, red beanie and black converse.

After putting on her clothes she did her hair then pulled out some homework that she never finished. After a while she went downstairs to grab a banana and her keys then headed out the door.

She texted Chloe that she was on her way then started the car. Only a few minutes later she saw the bright blonde standing outside her house. Maddie smiled and waved.

"Hey, bud," Maddie smiled as she got into the car.

"Hey," Chloe responded.

"What's up?" She asked with a concerned look as she pulled out of the driveway.

"What happened with Kalani?" She asked as she crossed her arms.

Maddie was a bit taken back from the sound in Chloe's voice.

"Uh, we talked," she said, not wanting to give away anything.

"About what?"

Maddie bit her lip. Kalani doesn't want to tell anybody yet but Chloe is her best friend.

"Well, she likes me," she coughed out.

"Are you, like, together now?"

"No. I don't think so anyway."

"Is that a fucking hickey on your neck?" She asked, obviously disgusted.

"Uh," Maddie quickly brought a hand to her neck.

"That's cool. We've got fifteen minutes. I'll see you at lunch," Chloe scoffed as she got out of the car when they pulled in.

Before Maddie could say anything Chloe was already out.

"What the hell just happened?" She whispered.

She sighed before she got out of the car. She walked over to her trunk and put her head in her hands. She felt hands go around her waist before she jumped.

"Calm down, Madison. It's me."

Chills went down Maddie's spine at the way she said her full name.

"Oh, hi," she breathed out.

"Is everything okay?" Kalani asked as she pulled the smaller girl in for a hug.

"Yeah, just Chloe's being weird. I don't think it's a big deal though."

"What's she doing?"

"Would you be mad at me if I told you that I told her?"

"No, not really. I expected you to since she's your best friend. Is she upset about it?"

"I don't know. I don't think so."

"Well, I'm sure she'll warm up to it," she said as she gently kissed Maddie's lips.

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