The Tea House (1D)

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Standing in the isle at the grocery store I tried to reach  a box that was way above my height and near the moon.

Even standing on my toes I wouldn't be able to reach it - or maybe a step ladder...

The store normally keeps them around here, don't they?

Huffing in annoyance I fell back onto my feet and crossed my arms and glared up at the tea box - sure my red shopping basket that was on the floor already had twenty-three different types of tea already - but I need that one! 

I need to test them all out before tomorrow or I am going to be in big trouble.


Someone behind me steps in front of me and reaches up effortlessly - the jerk.

He grabs the box and turns, holding it out for me to take, "Thank you man - I had been trying to get the box for the past ten minutes" I took the tea box of twenty tea bags and looked up into the guys face - holy shit it's like looking at a male version of myself... if I wasn't short and had the flaws of a freckled snow man.

"Oh I know, I was watching you" he chuckles.

"Glad to be of someone's entertainment" I stepped back, putting my right arm over my stomach before I bowed to him - that just made him laugh even more.

Bending down I put the box with the rest of the tea bags, biscuits, milk and sugar and picked it up while I straightened my back, "Thank you kind sir for being of assistence to a height challeneged Australian"

He gives me a cheeky grin before he looks over my shoulder, "It was my pleasure...?"

"Oh no - maybe if we meet another time i'll tell you my name and you'll tell me yours, it would be more interesting then"

 He stares at me blankly before his face pulls up in a smile, "So... do you work?"




"Where about's in London?"

"In a building - you're not going to find me mate, it has to be fate" I laughed and held my hand out for him to shake, "Good bye Tree Man, it was ever so nice to meet thy"

"Same to you-"

"Harry" the Tree man sighed and we turned to see a blonde haired boy staring at us.

"Does this mean I can know your name now that you know mine?" Harry asks me hopefully.

"Nope - sorry sweet heart, until next time" I smiled at him and walked past his friend and to the cash counter and paid for all my tea and tea related things.

"Thank you" I smiled at the girl before I walked out into the street, pulling my hood up and then popping my umbrella before I walked to the direction of my apartment, pushing my way through the sea of other people bundled up in coats with their black umbrella's - mine being the only bright red one in the entire street, love being different.

Thunder roared over me and I hurried through the crowd, away from the grocery store and to my apartment where I will be having my very own tea testing event in my living room. Getting to the steps of my apartment building I ran up them before I took my keys out and unlocked the door.

Now... I just have to figure out which one to start with - this might take awhile.

The Tea House (1D)Where stories live. Discover now