It's Nutcracker weekend. A few of us stay between shows because there's this Girl Scout meet and greet we do where after the show about 10 of us come back onstage in costume and they get to talk to us and take pictures and get signatures and stuff. After the meet and greet, we all go eat lunch in the area we're allowed to eat in, near the stage door. The guys playing the parts of the dads in party scene weren't part of the meet and greet but they stayed between shows anyway. Then we all go downstairs and Blair and Samantha and I collapse in a pile on the couch in the greenroom. We talk for about 20 minutes, then I say I'm going upstairs to stretch before warm up. One of the guys makes an annoyingly sarcastic comment to which I have no snarky reply, which causes lots of snickers from the guys, so I turn around and flounce upstairs. I channel my anger into carrying out the barres and setting up the one I want and I'm stretching on the floor when I hear footsteps behind me. I figure it's either a stage hand or one of the other girls so I don't bother turning around. When the footsteps stop and I can't hear any machinery being worked or barres being adjusted I look over my shoulder. It's Tyler. I make a face at him that translates into "what do YOU want?" He beckons me over. I sigh in annoyance, but get up and walk into the wings. He backs up almost to the wall and I walk up until I'm about 3 feet in front of him. "What?" I say in a hostile tone, stretching my arms behind my back so I'm not just standing there. He mutters something about being sorry for laughing, then before I can respond with a scathing remark his face is suddenly about 2 inches from mine. I shut my mouth, surprised. He leans in and kisses me. My first kiss. And it actually happened with my crush. I have no idea what I'm doing, but he seems to. After a few minutes, we break apart and I just stare at him for a long minute. I guess my face isn't annoyed or repulsed though because suddenly he smiles. I think he's about to say something, but then we hear footsteps and voices. He turns his head and listens, then says "I've got to go. Talk to you later" and disappears toward the stairs. I quickly walk back to my barre spot and I'm upside down in a bridge when Amy, Charlotte, and Evelyn appear from the opposite side of the stage than Tyler disappeared from. They say hi to me then go back to their conversation. I can't focus on anything until I see Blair walking toward me a minute later. I nod at the spot I saved for her. She slides into her splits next to me with a funny expression on her face. I give her a look asking "what?" And she says "I saw Tyler on the stairs just now...he looked do you...did you two...?" I can feel myself blush. She laughs aloud, startling the other girls. "I knew it!" She crows. "Oh my gosh, I called it!" "Shut up," I say, gesturing at Amy and Evelyn, who are trying to eavesdrop. She laughs again, but more quietly this time. "I knew it," she says again.
This is not realistic, it is merely a figment of my imagination. I decided it was good enough to share with other people, but please know that none of it is true. Thank you for reading. :)