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ALEXIS McKenna was a sweet little girl with a heart of gold. The little girl had just moved to Washington D.C., Seattle from Canada. Today was her first day at her new kindergarten. She was really excited and hoped to make many friends. She hoped that everyone was nice and that her Daddy's new job went well.

Miss Evans was the teacher for the kindergarteners. She took to little Alexis immediately, as did the rest of the class. They were all excited and swarmed around her. Little Alexis was happy to see that everyone wanted to know her and be her friend, but the little girl couldn't help but notice a lonely little boy sitting a couple of tables away from her.

She noticed how he looked upset and how he quietly got on with his drawing. She felt bad for him. She knew how it was like to be left out of all the games and to have the other kids look down on you. At her old kindergarten in Canada, she was made fun of because she didn't like the colour pink and other girly stuff. She knew how it felt. It didn't feel nice.

"Okay children, please get back to your seats and give Alexis a little space. You can all take turns to sit next to her." Miss Evans called out; saving Alexis from the crowd that had huddled around her.

The rest of the day went great for little Alexis, she played with different kids and she instantly made friends with little girls called Ashley and Louise, they were like a trio. The three girls decided that they would play on the swings during lunch time.

When the bell for lunch came all the children went to get their lunch boxes from the corridor where they had left them with their coats.

They all sat at their tables with their friends and started to eat their lunch. Alexis would have sat with her new friends, Ashley and Louise, but once again she noticed the little boy who was sitting alone. He ate his lunch in silence. None of the other kids bothered to sit with him; they didn't even speak to him. They all ignored him.

Alexis knew how he felt and she made her way to him. He didn't notice that she was standing behind him so Alexis tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. He turned around and just looked at her, not even smiling, though little Alexis took no notice of this and sat down in the seat beside him. She opened her lunch box and said, "Would you like half of my cookie? My Daddy made it for me. It's too big and I won't be able to eat all of it." She babbled.

The little boy couldn't help but smile at her and her kind heart. He liked that she could talk about anything random, like a cookie. "Yes, please." He said as Alexis broke the huge cookie in half and offered him the bigger half. "Would you like half of my orange?"

Alexis looked at him and said in a serious tone, "I don't like oranges." Her nose scrunched up and they both laughed at the sight.

The little boy was amazed. How could someone not like oranges? But he didn't say anything, just in case it came out wrong and he lost a possible new friend. She accepted half of his chocolate bar instead.

"My name is Noah."

"My name is Alexis and you are my new friend."

Noah and Alexis spent the rest of lunch time talking about the good toy shops there were in America.

When the bell rang signalling play time, Alexis took hold of Noah's hand and they went towards the swings where Louise was pushing Ashley. They both smiled at Alexis warmly but wondered why Noah was with her.

"He's my new friend."

And from that day onwards, Noah and Alexis were literally attached at the hip. They went through all of Lower school together, and were even better friends through all of Middle School. Alexis was a good influence on Noah, she helped him come out of his bubble and helped him build up his confidence.

Alexis was naturally popular, having being able to make friends easily, unlike Noah who struggled as he was so shy. But Alexis was always there for him, no matter what. They always played together and spent time together like little kids should. They had no care in the world.

They both stayed close friends with Ashley and Louise, but sometimes Alexis felt like Noah was the one who really understood her; especially when it came to her mother who passed away when she was a baby. Alexis would feel absolutely miserable sometimes, like she was in a slump. And Noah was the only one capable of cheering her up.

As the years passed, Alexis and Noah got even closer and became even better friends.

Alexis and Noah grew up, along with their friends. They both shared an apartment, him as a budding architect, and her as an artist, just like her mother. I gave the keys to her mother's old studio to her, knowing that was what her mother would want. Alexis was happy, her life was on track. She would make a profit from selling paintings, though there was one that no one saw but her. One that she refused to sell, claiming that it wasn't finished. But all in all, my daughter was happy.

But something changed, and Noah wasn't there for Alexis this time. Noah wasn't there for my baby. And she died. My little girl died, and Noah was the only one who could've saved her, but he was too busy wrapped up in his own life to notice any change in hers.

He didn't notice how she was extra nice to him, how she always cared and looked out for him. He didn't know that my little girl would sometimes cry herself to sleep. Her eyes soon lost all the happiness that it once held, and it was all because of him. He wasn't there for her when she needed his advice, no. She had to keep it all to herself, and that soon killed her.

And that killed me.

I closed shut the diary that was in my hands; the one that held all the answers, the one that changed everything.

All this time, I had sworn to get revenge for whoever caused the death of my daughter but now... I couldn't bring myself to do that.

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