Chapter 1

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Shiki looked around the forest. His fox Yang was running around somewhere. After Shiki first used his power, the two foxes Yin and Yang had come to his side to help him. But only Yang stayed, for he was the black fox. Yin was the white fox. Shiki searched until he found himself at the village. Bad memories came from that place. After his father left, his mother became stressed and eventually commited suicide. Shiki ran away and stayed in the forest the rest of his childhood life.

He looked around once again, and caught sight of a black tail. Shiki walked over and tugged it. Yang yelped and glared at Shiki. "Was that necessary?" He asked. Shiki glared back. "Very." Yang shook his furry head as he picked up his meal. A dead rat. Shiki gagged and stumbled away. Yang rolled his eyes. "So immature." Shiki laughed and sat down. "So today's the day." Said Yang, who was digging up the rat. Shiki nodded. "The day my mom died. And my birthday." And shook his head again." She decided to commit suicide on your birthday. That is seriously sad." Shiki laughed. "Guess I'm really unloveable." Yang laughed. "You're right about one thing."

Shiki glared, but eventually smiled. He then heard a small noise. As Shiki looked around, he saw a group of colorful people walking toward them. Yes, colorful. Their hair and eyes were unnatural colors like red or blue, or even pink. And worse then that, it was all natural. Shiki could tell. He ran and climbed a giant tree.

The 9 people were searching everything in sight, and they were about to get away, but then Yang sneezed. They all looked around wildly, until they spotted Shiki. Each smiled creepily. Shiki looked at them alarmingly. "It think we found our guy!" Said a Blue haired kid. The girl with pink hair smacked his head. "No, really?"

Shiki glared fiercly. "Bitch, if you get one step closer to me, I'll send you to Nirvana." The girl glared. "Oh please shrimp." Shiki smiled. This girl was really annoying. "Oh really? You're the small one here. I mean, just look at your chest." The girl's face turned the color of her hair. Pink.

"You bastard! Get your ass down here so I can beat it up!"

Shiki was not amused. He winked at Yang who was watching anxiously. Yang nodded. Shiki let loose. The black aura was all around him as he jumped down the tree. The group of kids stood back. But one man that Shiki didn't see, wasn't moving. Shiki recognized this person. His father.

Shiki smiled. He had been waiting for this for a long time. He striked and punched the man. The man staggered, but kept standing his ground. "Look, kid, we're not here to hurt you." Suddenly, Shiki understood. This man didn't know who he was. Shiki grinned. As you can tell, Shiki smiles a lot. He walled over to the man and patted his shoulder. "I hope you die. " he whispered.

And he disappeared with Yang. His father look around with bewilderment.

Shiki watched them from a far distance. "We'll meet again." He said to himself. And he and Yang went back to their home.

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