Taken: Chapter 3

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Taken: Chapter 3

Clover didn't feel herself anymore, she felt a burning ambition inside her, and the need for blood running at her paws. A pair of amber eyes appeared in front of her for a heartbeat, then faded. Clover fell to the ground clenching her belly in pain, and woke up. She looked around scared and confused, she ran outside and yowled "Widow, Crooked, Stone, Mint!!!" They all ran up to her and Mint meowed shakily "Wh..what is it Clover?!" Clover's eyes wide with fear, she stammered "The..The Dark Forest cat... He said..er..." Clover paused as she had no memory of what had happened before she saw the amber eyes appear in front of her. Crooked and Widow exchanged glances, Widow padded up to Clover and rasped "What did this cat do to you?" Crooked walked up beside him and growled "Yes, what did he do that is so important, that Stone needed a prophecy to tell you?!!" Mint sat close to Clover and mewed "Tell us what you need to say, no matter how long it takes." Clover dipped her head and mewed "He told me something... Like he can protect you all.. And I needed to tell him my life in detail." All the cats looked at her, waiting for the whole story. Clover breathed heavily and meowed "Um.. Then I felt emptiness, and then a shooting pain, and then I didn't feel like myself, all I wanted was blood, and then a pair of amber eyes appeared and then I felt the pain again and I snapped out of it." Stone unsheathed his claws and all the cats mumbled to each other, Stone raised his tail for silence and growled "It it clear to me now that you are possessed at anytime and any place, and you need to somehow break put of Bloodstar's grasp, or else he can hurt you and others around you with his bloody spirit." All the cats broke into growling and fear, and Clover yowled "But...But.. I never want to hurt anyone.. How did you know Bloodstar's name?" Stone replied, "Back when I was a kit, I ventured out into the open and what I saw scarred me for life, Bloodstar killing innocent cats and tearing apart little kits." Stone paused and said no more, his eyes wide with dismay. Widow walked up to Clover and rasped, "I will help you through this." All the other cats joined around Clover and Crooked meowed, "You are my sister and no matter who you hurt, I will help you till my last breath." He licked Clover on the ear and no cat said anymore that night.

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