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'I'm Paige, and everything I had is gone. My only friend moved, I have mean enemies and bullies who hurt me, so I ran away and I have nowhere to go. I don't know what to do so why bother getting up," I thought petting my cat Bells. Bells was the only thing I had left. "But maybe someone can take me home or even let me live with them." I whispered quietly, beginning to sit up excitedly at the thought of a home. I couldn't sleep in barns anymore. I smelled like hay, I had hay in my hair, and wore the same clothes everyday cause I didn't have anything else. I wanted to go back to California. I don't know where I am now. I've been running and running for eight days now; sleeping in farmer's barns, in ditches, and on dirt paths. I was weary, and I wanted a home. I felt orphaned, and alone. I felt as if I was going crazy, because I only had a pet as a friend. I look crazy when I talk to Bells, and anyways I'm not Dr. Doolittle.

I dusted myself off and walked down the road. It was a deserted, old road, and looked dusty. As I wondered, I looked for signs that told where I was. I didn't find a single one.

"I'm never gonna find home!" I cried slightly. I tried to find hope, but there was none that I could feel. I thought all I had was lost, until I saw a sign in the distance. I must have missed it. "Oh! Thank God I saw that!" I screamed running towards the distant sign. Once I reached it, I set my eyes upon the words and read it aloud.

"Five miles until you reach Mexico," I said quite breathless. I was excited that I'd find a place to stay at, or a town to live in!

I was still tired from running, so I decided to rest for a while, until I was ready to run again. I looked up at the clouds as they shaped into figures. Time passed slowly, and I had gotten enough time to catch my breath, and soon, I'd be running.

"Come on Bells, We are going to Mexico soon. So, come on! We don't need to waste any time!" I motioned to Bells. He pranced beside me as told. I was impressed by his obedience because most cats are stubborn and do when they please.

We walked down the path, which was quickly darkened by the sunset & soon, the moon would rise. It shimmered against the mud puddles, as the stars sparkled brighter than ever. I soon spotted a small patch of dirt surrounded by grass. It looked a lot more comfortable then the hard ground I had been sleeping on. When I laid down, my cat snuggled close to me as we fell asleep under the sparkle of the starlight.

I sat up, and began awakening Bells. "Come one Bells! We have to look for more signs of Mexico. Remember," I started. "We have to get there to eat, sleep, and hopefully live there. Come on Bells," I petted him lightly, and he soon woke up.

After Bells had awoken, I stood up, dusted myself off, and began my journey. I spotted another sign, and I ran to read it. "You are now entering Mexico. Welcome." I whispered quietly. I ran past it in relief.

"I love Mexico!" I yelled as the wind blew through my hair.

I saw something straight ahead, and I ran towards it with Bells following after me. I felt the breeze again, whipping my brown hair. I felt free! The smell of fresh, clean, green grass, and all the beautiful flowers swaying in the wind made the scent flow in with the breeze.

It was a happy time, me and my only friend Bells, running in the sunshine, but that soon ended when the rain started pouring down. Still, rain was a wonderful thing for me and Bells. I opened my mouth and drank the rain, and Bells licked it off the ground, or drank out of puddles. I was so joyful, so me and Bells started prancing in the rain. I would have laughed at myself, but I was so carless at that time, I didn't care if anyone did.

My joy soon stopped for a minute, as I thought about the future. What will I do with no one there? Where will I go? What if I don't reach the city? What if I starve? What I'd I don't have enough money for food? Besides, I only have twenty dollars.

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