Chapter 1

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Frisk kept walking, they didn't even stop or turn around to acknowledge my presence. I sighed in annoyance and kept following to the great mountain as it stood in the distance. Mount Ebott, I was nervous and seen Frisk was heading there. They were always the timid sort, quiet when there was no need for answers. They were always so kind. I blew a strand of my (h/c) hair away from my face, I felt like I needed to follow Frisk. They were a friend of course, so why do I feel drawn to follow them?

The question was unknown to me as I kept their striped shirt in visual. Their shoes rubbed together making an odd sound that pierced through the silence. I bit my lip as we neared the summit, the harsh wind blowing on my skin making me wish I'd brought my (f/c) jacket. I looked behind me seeing a vine vanish underground making me shudder, was something — or someone — following Frisk and I?

I turned back around to see a hole. "Wait! Frisk!" I called to my friend. They turned around, surprised that I was here with them. Their brown hair blew from the harsh wind nipping at my exposed skin. "Are you sure you want to go to the world of monsters?" I asked shivering from the cold, Frisk was lucky they had on their usual attire, a long sleeve black and red striped shirt. They looked behind them to the crevice cutting through the mountain.

"Yes, (Y/n)." Were the only two words they spoke before they grabbed my hand and giving a small smile. Their smile was bruised and a fat lip had resulted in harsh beatings Frisk received from her parents. I felt their calloused and bloody fingers running across my hand. "We should go together, you and me." They said before I heard them give a yelp of surprise, a vine was wrapped around their leg and had slipped it from under them. Frisk pulled me with them as they fell into the earth.

We hit the hard floor surrounded by uprooted flowers. I groaned and shuddered hearing small steps in front of me. I looked up finding Frisk holding their hand out for me to take it. Reluctantly I did, standing up along with them. They smiled at me and wiped their hair away from their face. "Where are we?" I asked. "Welcome to Underfell 8th and 9th human." We both heard the squeaky voice. Frisk looked over to see a beaten up flower with the same vines that pulled on Frisk. "Welcome to the world of kill, or be killed." It said wearily. "I'm.. Flowey the flower." Flowey introduced and flinched when Frisk quietly approached him.

Flowey looked up at her astonished. "You're not going to kill me?" He asked surprised when Frisk held their hand out with a small smile. I realized Frisk and Flowey were in the same state, beaten but very nice. "(Y/n), we need more to help us." They said. I smiled at the flower as it slowly weaves its way around Frisk to find the perfect perch on her shoulder.

"Frisk, whatever you do avoid—"
"Hello dears!" Frisk and I both heard the sweet voice of a woman. We looked up to see a goat woman, her robe was black and red and frayed at the bottom. Her eyes were wide, they gave a slight twitch that bothered me,  her irises were a bright red color that scared me. I looked back to find Flowey had hid himself. I looked back at the woman as she smiled.

Fangs were all I saw, she had patches of red all over her fur. Blood? I watched her in alarm as she smiled at Frisk and I. She roughly grabbed our hands and began to walk up to our home. "I'm Toriel, but you can call me mother." As Toriel talked she watched Frisk and I make friends with Napstablook and the frog, I'm so bad with names, and continue on our way with a smile. "I have a question to ask, would you prefer organs, or blood in a pie?"

I looked at Frisk in alarm as we entered a home, it smelled terribly of.. Death. It clouded the entire room and clogged my throat as I began to gag.
"Is there something wrong, dear?" Toriel asked. I shook my head and Frisk answered the question. "She had a stomach ache while coming here. In my pie I'd like blood." Frisk said and winked at me. I stopped and got used to the disgusting smell.

"Now dears, rest up. We'll be a family tomorrow, won't we?" I was about to speak when I yawned, Frisk grabbed my arm and dragged me to a random room. It had splotches of red everywhere and children's toys covered in.. Blood was it? "So, Flowey, (Y/n) how should we escape?" Frisk asked quietly. "Escape?" We all looked to the goat mother who seemed unstable. We all froze as she twitched.

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