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"Come here" he said with a smirk and I walked towards him biting my lip. "What are you going to do to me?" I question and wrapped my arms around his neck. He places his hands around my waist and drops his lips to mine. He then goes down to my neck and I bend my neck back, allowing him to do so.

"Amy!" I heard someone say which brought me back to reality. "Oh, I um, I'm sorry Mr.C" I said and straightened myself in my chair. I heard some laughs from my fellow classmates and I cleared my throat and lowered my head. "Stop day dreaming in my class and pay attention. Maybe you're mother would stop calling me about your grade if you actually tried to stay focused" Mr.C said. Some of the kids starting to "oo" and I just gave Mr.C a sarcastic smile.

After class I meet up with my friend Kala and we head to my car. "I had another day dream about the mysterious man" I said. "Oh, I wonder what they mean dude" she says and hops into the car." "Yeah me too" I say and start the car. "So, what's on the schedule for today?" She asks. "Probably just kick a football around, maybe even go to the mall but I don't know" I said pulling out of the parking lot. Kala took the aux cord and a song began to play through the speakers. A-Team by Travis Scott came on and we both started to sing a long with it like a couple of lunatics.

We ended up going to the mall for a bit to look for some new boots for an upcoming football match we have. "Oh!!! What about these!" Kala says and she picks up some light blue and green Nike boots. "Yeah those are nice" I say and continue to look through the store. Once we both have our pair we pay for them and head back to the car.

I take Kala home so she can get changed into some football gear and I do the same. We met at the part an hour later, hoping to break in our new boots. When we arrive, the the field is taken by a group of guys with a camera. "What are they doing?" I said as I get out of the car and start to head towards them. "I don't know" Kala said and she followed me.

"Hey!" I shouted over to the guys, "How long are you going to be here?" I asked. They all turned and looked at Kala and I. They just stared at us for a while until I cleared my throat. "Well?" I said trying to find an answer. "We um have one more video to film" said someone with dark hair and a beard. "How long do you that will be?" I asked. "30-40 minutes I would think" he said.

I look over at Kala and sigh, "well there goes our chance of breaking in the new boots." Kala and I begin to leave, then we hear someone shout after us,"Hey!" We turn around and see a tall kid with blonde hair jog towards us. "Yes?" I ask. "Would you want to be like a um special guest or something in the video, maybe. It depends on what ever you want though. It's totally cool if you don't want to do it" he said awkwardly. "What's the video?" I asked and he stood taller, "it's a crossbar challenge" he said. "I mean, why not" I said and looked at Kala, she nodded her head and we walked over with them.

"Hey what is up guys, it's Simon here" said the tall kid with blonde hair. 'Simon' is said to myself behind the camera. "We have two people here who we have invited to come out and play a bit of football with. No, we don't really know who they are but we thought we'd have a little stand off, we all take a shot and try to hit the cross bar. If either of them have more hits than us, then we have to do our forfeit but if we win then we will think of a forfeit for them" he says to the camera then looks at us. "We here they are" he says and waves us in.

Kala and I walk towards the camera and wave. We introduce ourselves and begin the video. We end up beating them with 2 extra hits on the cross bar. We got to kick the footballs at them. Kala and I had a fun time with that.

Once everything was done Kala and I grabbed out stuff, thanked the guys and left. "Hey wait" said the Simon guy. I turned and faced him,"hm? I said. "Do you think I could get your number, I mean like if you would like to do another video with us, maybe?" He asked and he turns red. "Sure, but you better not be one of those guys who will ask me for nudes" I say as I give him my number. "Oh no, I don't do that. That won't be a problem. I promise" he said. "Good" I said and began to walk again. "Thanks!" He shouts and I stick up my hand as a reply for you're welcome.

Later that night I got a text from him.

S - Hey, this is Simon. The guy from the football vid. Just wanted to let you know.

A - Ok. Thanks :)

I got ready for bed and plugged my phone in, then I hear a beep and see another text message from him;

S - Goodnight

I look at my phone for a while then reply;

A - Night

And that's where everything began.


Hey guys!
This is my first Simon fan fic, sorry it's bad!! :,)
If there's anything that you guys want me to include in future chapters just comment your ideas and I'll do my best ❤️
Love ya

x Amy

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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