Why Are You Here? - 3

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     Why is he here?! There's no way he would know who I am or where I live. We never met before, so how could he know my name. He put his hand out towards me to help me up, but because I got afraid of him, I backed away from him up towards the nearest tree.

"Are you okay?" He asked, but all I could do was shake my head no. I couldn't find the guts to speak to the love of my life, fearing he might know what I say about us and would get angry with me. He took a step towards me.


"Samara, let me help you-"

"GO AWAY!" I shouted at him, getting to my feet, and ran to the stairs to get up to my apartment. I bursted through the door and clunged to my mother.

"Mom, why is Dante here?"

"Oh, so she does know you," The Social Services worker said. I heard someone walk up behind me.

"Told you so. She was out in the backyard, her old high school cruch was raping her. I scared him and he ran to his car, then he drove off."

"Well, she is okay, right?" My mother pulls me away from her to look at me, but I refuse and hid my face in her chest. I didn't want to believe this was really happening, and wished that it was a dream. But for some reason, I just couldn't seem to wake up. Why can't I wake up?!

"Mom, why is he here? What's going on here?"

"You said to either put you up for adoption, or you would run off and won't be seen by anybody again. So, I put you up for adoption -"

"WITH HIM?!" I couldn't believe this. All I wanted was to be with Dante, but was too afraid of his reaction if he knew who I was or what I say about us.

"It's okay, Samara. He's a good man, and is going to take good care of you," My moher told me. She just can't see it, can she? Is she really THAT blind?! Can she not see the fear all over my face right now?

"Mom, can I talked to you privatley? NOW?" She shakes her head yes, and I bring her to her bedroom. I closed the door and sat on the bed.

"Samara, what are you so worried about? He's not going to hurt you."

"You don't know him unlike I do. He's not like everyone else in the world. And by that, I mean he isn't HUMAN," I told my mother. It's like I said. She can never understand.

"Okay, I think you need to stop playing those games you're so hooked up on."

"HELL NO! No way am I gonna stop playing Devil May Cry. NEH and VER."

"Well, you are gonna have to go with him, Samara. Whether you like it or not."

"But mom -"

"No excuses, Samara. You're the one that wanted this, remember?" She had a point there. I did say I wanted this. But couldn't it have been someone else?! I left her bedroom and started packing my stuff.

"This is completely bullshit. Why couldn't it be someone else? Why does he want me anyways? I thought he hated me," I thought to my self while I was packing. After I got done packing my stuff, (PS2, Devil May Cry's 1, 2, and 3, Gamecube with Resident Evil 4, CD Player and other CD's, my laptop, and flashlights), I went outside and waited for Dante. After five minutes, he came down the stairs.

"Okay, you ready to go?"

"Does it really look like I have a fricken choice? No," I said to him sarcastically. We walked to his car - which was a Thunder bird Mustange which was red and had black stripes - and I opened the back door and sat there.

"What? Don't want to sit up front with me?"

"You should know that I don't completely trust you, right?"

'Not yet anyways," he said to me as he got in the driver's seat. I just rolled my eyes and tried to go to sleep...

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