Chapter thirteen

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**Sam's POV**
Me and Dean turned and I started walking to Crowley but Dean stopped me, I glared at him and calmed down. "What did you do to her?!?!" I said demanding a fricking answer from him, "Well boys, nice to see you again, and as you know... My precious daughter has powers so I put a spell that can paralyzed her and her powers" "You son of..." "Sam, no need of that" Crowley interrupted me, I was going to kill him. "What do you want??" Dean shouted to Crowley and he just kept staring at Sophie that at the moment, was in the floor unconscious, "I need to talk to her" Crowley said with sadness in his eyes, wow... That was the Crowley that we knew... It couldn't be, that bitch doesn't have feelings and less for Sophie.
**Sophie's POV**
I was unconscious and I knew it. My dad had put a spell in the room that paralyzed me and I also knew it. The weird thing is that I was having the most vivid dream of all times. I was in Chicago, but the city was all destroyed. I walked and walked looking for people but nothing. I walked a little bit more and I found a graffiti that said "CROATOAN" I didn't knew what that mean, so I just kept walking. I was alone in a street when suddenly I heard footsteps, I turned around but for my surprise, a group of people where following me. I was going to talk to them until I noticed that they weren't good, they looked sick, and unfortunately, I was right. They started running to me but thank god I was faster. I was running when suddenly, I heard someone shooting the "people". I turned around and found a girl and a boy, more or less of 16 years old. "Are you ok??" The girl asked me, I just nodded, "This is Carl..." She said pointing to the boy, "...and I am Brooke" she finished. I am shocked, what the hell is this?!?! "What happened??" I asked, they turned to look at me and Carl said, "There is a virus that spread all across the world, they make the people kind of zombies" Fuck, what happened, "Sorry but, what day is today, I mean the number and month and also year" I asked, "Today's is 30 of June, 2028" Brooke said. What the fuck?!?! I'm in the future, what the actually fuck?!? "Guys, I need to be safe, if I die here I will stop existing" "What are you talking about??""My name is Sophie Turner and I'm from 2016 not 2028" I said to Carl. They turned to look at each other and think. "C'mon, we will take you to a safe place" Brooke said, "Guys, can I trust you??" I asked kind of concerned, "Sophie, we just saved your bacon" Carl said with a smile plastered in his face while taking Brooke's hand in his. So they are something, cute. They gave me hope. I haven't been here for a long time, but watching them taking care of each other in a world of virus and ruin, makes me have hope.
**Sam's POV**
"Crowley, when is she going to wake up??" I asked, "I don't know, the spell put her in a kind of really vivid dream, so I really have no idea of when is she waking up" Crowley answered. Now, all we have left is to wait for Sophie to wake up. I can't help thinking of what she could be dreaming of...
**Sophie's POV**
"Soooo... You are obviously something" I said only to make conversation with them. I saw how Brooke turned red like a tomato and giggled, "It's ok guys" "Sophie... Do you have someone?? I mean in your time??" Brooke asked, I was going to answer but the memory of Sam and he not being there with me cause me a lot of pain. "Yes Brooke, I have someone" "What's his name??" "His name is Sam Winchester and he is the cutest guy in this world" I answered with a tear in my eye, "You miss him" Carl said tuning to look at me, "Yes I do" I said with a tear falling from my eye. I wiped them out and continue talking with the young couple. We were walking when suddenly, we hear a gun shot coming from behind us. "What the..." Carl said turning around just to see two people shooting at us. "Run!!" I scream grabbing their arms and start running. Three gun shots were heard but the fourth one we heard, it hit me in the leg. I fell down and Carl and Brooke kneeled to see if I was alright, I was loosing a lot of blood. "Guys, you need to leave me, go!!" I said to them concerned of what would happen if they stayed with me, "Sophie, we are not going to leave you. We need to take care of you, if you die right now you will not exist anymore!!" Brooke said with tears streaming down her face. "Guys, thanks. Now you need to leave" that were my last words to Brooke and Carl, because then... Everything went black.
**Sam's POV**
I was sitting impatiently for Sophie to wake up when suddenly, she moved and started screaming. Crowley just turned to look at her and stayed like that, wow what a great dad. Me and Dean started running to her, I was hugging her trying to calm her down and Dean was grabbing her hands to prevent us from being hit by her. I saw how she started opening her eyes and then she just stayed staring at me. "Sophie??" "Yeah, that's me" she said, "My head hurts a lot" she finished. Me and Dean helped her to stand up and then I carried her to a bed. "Crowley what are you doing here, I can feel you" "I need to talk to you daughter" "Do not call me like that you motherfucker, you don't have the right to" she said with so much poison in her voice that I scared a little. "Sophie it is pretty important, it has to be with you..." Crowley said and that catch Sophie's attentions. "We will talk later because right now I'm feeling like shit because someone decided to paralyze me" and with that, Sophie fell asleep in the bed.

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