Donald Trump's fantasy

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In the beginning, black. Nothing ever existed for years on end (except America), then, sounds. Sounds of orgasms, from Donald Trump humping the White House, AGAIN!! He orgasmed over and over again. Then a birth, Donald Trump impregnated a Japanese nudist named Kuro or the divine Lady Pantsu. The birth, oh the birth, was exasperating for the divine Lady Pantsu. Screams and cries of agony ripped her poor soul in half, twins. The happy side, one half, the other, evil, dark, and insecure. Donald trump of course fucked up. His small dinky cock broke her, in disgust of course. He was a douche to her. But the happy side grew well. Evil, didn't prosper. They bickered and bickered, tearing the mother on half. Donald trump didn't give a shit. That dumb motherfucker, but karma is a bitch so, just wait

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