Le Poem { 2 }

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Lonely Volcano

( a confession )

By Belinda French

6th grade began the science fair

A silent crush left in the air

Paper mache and wired frames

My feelings will remain the same

Many said he smelled like feet

Deep down I though he was sweet

That was when I glued the base

And formed a new frame just in case

New crushes and feelings formed a glove

That masked a hand filled with growing love

A gluey volcano left out to dry

Come highschool he changes, I start to cry

From summertime's friendly texts and calls

To ignoring each other in the halls

Baking soda mixed up, the lava is made

Growing feelings refuse to fade

Rude remarks from him and swift comebacks

Cut through my volcano heart

F o r m i n g A C r a c k

My avenging mother forms a meeting

He hobbles in. My heart is beating.

My hands are sweaty. My throat is on fire.

'I cant make mom out to be a liar'

Should I have really voiced my hurt

Because of his comments about my shirt?

I reluctantly sign the bully report


I know I must sound foolish now

He hates my guts and we all know how

My volcano competing for the ribbon of blue

But before the judges approached, it blew...

U p

I n

P i e c e s...

Why did I put him in the wrong?

Why didn't I just play along?

Lava turned magma, cooling down

Have no choice but to get on the ground

And pick

U p

T h e

P i e c e s

Of the feelings destroyed

'Give up on him, don't get him annoyed'

Not too sure where I should throw 'em

So I'll leave them in this poem.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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