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I finally made it too Ireland! You thought to yourself as you got off of the plane. You had a map on your phone of where to find campus. You get outside of the airport and pull out your phone to check where the nearest place to get a car would be. The nearest place was 2 miles away. Alright I can make it there... 2 miles is nothing, I hope. I ran a mile everyday when I was in 4th and 5th grade... "I CAN DO THIS!!" you yelled out loud without noticing until someone told you to shut up. "Sorry." You blushed and ran to the car shop.

"How much longer?" You ask your phone. Your feet were getting tired already. "You should reach your destination in a few minutes," your phone responded. You groaned. "Wow first hour in Ireland is not exactly how I planned," you said to yourself as you saw the car shop just up ahead. "IS THAT IT!?" you yelled to yourself and ran.

You got there and the first man you saw there you asked for a really nice car. He showed you every car. The only ones you could afford were the ones that didn't work. You then remember the stack of cash your mom gave you "too at least live until you got a job" as she put it. Crap! You just remembered that your mom told you to text her as soon as you got off the plane. You pull out your phone and text her that you made it to Ireland safely. "Okay, I will let your sister know that you made it safely. Text me tomorrow to let me know how your first day of school went," She texted back.

"I'm sorry we don't have any cars for you right now. Say, why do ya need a car?" the guy who showed you the cars asked you.

"Oh uh, I need to get to a college and find out where I'm going to stay and stuff. But since I don't have a car-" The man got too excited and cut you off.

"Say I could give you a ride and I have a house I'm selling down by that college. I'm sure I could lower the price to something you could afford... I-if ya want..." He realized that he cut you off when he was done talking so you barely opened your mouth to respond and he said, "sorry bout cutting you off mid sentence... Anyway what do ya say?"

He looked at you with pleading eyes. You laughed a little at the sight and said, "Yeah, That'd be great... but I wasn't looking for a house exactly..." You trailed off and thought to yourself "You idiot that could've been your only chance of having a place to stay.

"Well what were ya looking for?" he asked a bit less excited.

"Oh... Um, well I was hoping for an apartment, cause a house is a little bit big for just one person.. Thanks though." Ugh! Now what? You started to get a little mad at yourself and you twitched trying to not your frustration. You twitched... Did I just twitch? You fell over laughing at the fact that you just twitched trying not to be mad.

The man looked at you like you were crazy, so you get off the ground and apologized. "That's alright. Anyway, I have a brother that owns a set of apartments. It's a little further from the college, but if you get a bike or skateboard or something you could make it there in like 5 minutes. Also my brother owes me a favor, so I could probably get you in the apartments for free for a few months.."

"OKAY! Are you sure?" you asked making sure it wasn't too much.

"Yeah, definitely. Just get in the car and I'll grab my keys." You nodded your head and got in his car.

He got in and you thanked him until he got annoyed and told you to stop. You laughed and told him, "Sorry, just got a bit excited!" You were smiling the rest of the way.

You guys got there and you were still smiling. The man talked to his brother about letting me stay a few months free. His brother said no and your smile soon faded. The man kept talking to his brother until they finally made an agreement. His brother then looked at you and spoke. "You may stay free for a few months {(I accidentally typed in minutes instead of months XD wow what would a free few minutes be XD sorry anyway onward with the story)} but only if you work for me at least 5-" the nice man looked at him like he was gonna murder him "err I mean 1 hour a week."

You smiled and said that it was a deal. He gave you the key to your apartment and told you that his name was David. David's brother showed you where your apartment was. It was on the second floor. It was a very nice apartment. You asked why no one wanted it. He explained that there are neighbors downstairs who plays drums and yells... a lot. "Okay, thanks." You said and smiled at him.

"Oh just so you know I'm doing this as a friend... I'm married ya see?" he showed you his wedding ring. "She's the most beautiful woman." After a moment of awkward silence and him daydreaming he jumped and almost yelled. "I FORGOT SHE'S MAKING TACOS FOR DINNER TONIGHT!!!" he started to run and then yelled while he was running, "GOOD LUCK! MY NAME IS BILL BY THE WAY!"

"Thanks Bill!' You yelled after him and then went into your apartment and began to unpack.

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