Simply, I'm Just Curious

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Mr. Fischbach grasped my ass and started leaving trails of kisses roughly on my neck and he left some marks. He led his hand glide up my skirt and started to grip tightly on my thigh, but before our lips could even touch he stepped back and dangled my phone in my face. Hey what the hell, I shouted. "If you want your phone back, meet me at my house by 4:00 and if you're late your punishment will be even worse." I lowered my head and looked up to him with such disappointment in my eyes. Your no fun, I pouted. "Oh what, for getting you turned on and then just ending it just like that." A pause struck the room for a few moments, but the sound of him walking towards his desk ended it all. You're dismissed, he said. I opened the door and closed it slightly but before it was all the way shut, I had to ask him something. "Um Sir?" "Yes miss (y/l)" I grinned as the thought of what could happen to me if I was late ran through my mine. "Let's say I was late, what would the punishment be?" I leaned on the side of the door curious and watched his face flush red. He rushed over to the door and said he no time for talk and shut the door but I knew that he was going to do something really bad. Walking away from the door now I heard two knocks behind me and I looked upon the door but all I saw was nothing. But I glanced down to see a slip of paper with a message on it. The note had said "you'll see" and his address. I smiled and all the dirty thoughts started to flood my mind once more.

Good god! Thank The Lord that schools is over said Michael. Psssh whatever I said. "What? You have your panties in a twist or what (y/n)?" "Um no! I just don't want to leave is all." "Ooooo someone has a crush!" Michael! What no I don't, I shouted. "Don't lie to me besides I saw how you where googly eyeing that teach back in fourth..... Wait is that who-" My face went red. My heart was going to stop. Oh no... Michael is the loudest loud mouth I've ever know and if he told that I like my teacher I could get and in trouble and he could lose his job. Counter (y/n). Counter. "Um so what I like the guy doesn't really matter. I'm like 18 and he's like 27." Yea yea say what you like (y/n) plus don't worry about it I used to have the hots for this one banging chick in science and she was good with wet friction. I had a sigh of relief leave my mouth. Thank god! He thinks I'm joking. Um Mike? Yea. Why do you think I have a crush. Um well... Simply, I'm just curious you know!

A/n-This is a short chapter and I thought it would be nice to have a friend for all of you lovely ladies. So who is this Michael. Well in this story he is going to be giving you a hard time and will try to get you in trouble but he will be described as a very handsome guy. You know for future problems with Mr. F.

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