Lily's Story- Overcoming Pain

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Beautiful.  That was the only word to describe the scene in front of me.  I knew only an intelligent creator, only God, could design such a masterpiece. 

I relaxed as I leaned back on my soft seat of grass.  The sun setting in the background was quiet in contrast to the noisy crashing of the plunging waterfall.  In the very distance sat majestic Colorado mountains.  The air was turning a bit chilly, but not near cold enough for me to leave my spot.

This was a picture perfect moment.  I knew I would normally have been awed, but on this specific night, all I could do was stare, unseeingly at the view, with tears rolling down my cheeks.  I could feel the wet drops cascading down my cheek and falling to the grass below where they were instantly absorbed by the water-thirsty ground.

My only thoughts were on my father.  Dr. David Homer Daniel was his name.  He saved patients daily with his PhD, but he couldn't save himself.  His killer came fast, hard, and merciless- lung cancer. 

His last summer was one of the best he had ever had; or so he told me.  We had spent the summer together doing as much as we could.  We went to theme parks, Niagra Falls, skiing, skydiving, and scuba diving.  Anything that hit us as fun, we did it.

I looked down at my pale wrist and fingered the charm bracelet he had given me.  Small hearts lined in gold were hung all across the jewelry.  I remember when he gave it to me- two weeks before he died.  He told me it was supposed to be my birthday present, but he wanted to give it to me personally.  He said he hoped I didn't mind that it wasn't my birthday yet.

At the painful memory, more tears leaked from my eyes.  He told me not to give up hope.  He said to be strong and grow up to be a beautiful woman.  He said to remember God was always with me.  Even if I didn't have a earthly father, I would always have a Heavenly Father.

I angrily wiped away a tear and flopped back on the grass to stare at the bright stars twinkling above me.  The first beautiful scene had been taken away, so God had provided another one.

It was hard not to turn away from God.  I wanted so much to become an athiest, to take the easy way out.  Just claim there was not God.

But I knew I couldn't do that.  God was so real; so omnipotent!  Everywhere I looked, to my horror, His touch was there.  His wisdom was carved into the leaves, His love riffled in the wind, and His power crashed in the ocean.  Everywhere I turned, His creation shouted His name to me.

This afternoon had been my father's funeral.  I forced myself to be present only because of my love for him.  Honestly, I would have much rathered to skip the entire event. 

My tears finally began to dry after so many hours of them constantly pouring down my face.  I slowly grew peaceful under the stars as I curled up in the soft grass.

I took a deep breath in and sighed.  "God," I slowly prayed. "thank You for Your love.  Thank You for making this beautiful earth.  Thank You for giving me an amazing father." My hands curled lightly into a fist as I finished my prayer. "Thank you for caring for me.  Amen."

I slowly drifted to sleep, not caring that I wasn't in my home where I should have been.  If I would have been awake, I would have seen a dark shadow walking up to my fitful body.  I would have heard a soft voice whisper, "Amazing, isn't it?  To see a miracle." 

I would have felt them pick up my shivering frame.  I would have seen myself relax in their arms and whisper, "Daddy." as I was carried home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2012 ⏰

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