Chapter Ten

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Will and I sat on the patio staring up at the sky. He didn't push me to talk about why I was upset. I was grateful for his silence. I needed someone to stay with me but not to talk too, just to have someone there knowing they care. I swayed my toes to a song that I sung in my head.

One star fell through the sky passing all its friends. My red lips curled up in a small smile as I watched the stars. "Sometimes I wish I could be a star." I whispered my thoughts out loud. Will looked at me his green eyes asking me why.

"They shine brightly no matter what even some of the smallest stars have the brightest light. When they die people make a wish upon them, filling People with hope. " I explained.

"The smallest stars often are the ones that have traveled a long dark path, and have just found there place to shine." Will replied without a second thought, grinning at me.

I smiled knowing that what he said had a truth behind it. We sat a few more minutes outside in silence. i grew tired of it and raised my hand. I poked Will in the cheek. He turned to me with a raised eyebrow and had a laughing gleam in his eyes. He grabbed my side and stared to tickle me. At first I held in the giggles but it didn't last long as I burst in to a fight of laughter. Somehow in that time his knees were between my hips and I was lying on the cold cement ground. He stared intently in to my eyes. It scared me to think that someone could look at me like that. I poked him again.

Will just shook his head and stood up. He held his hand out to help me up too. Which I took hold of. When I was standing I brushed off the skirt of my dress. It sparkled in the moon light as the fabric moved with my hand. When I looked back up at will and he looked lost in thoughts.

I grabbed on to him and gave him a hug. He tensed up at first not expecting the hug, but eventually his arms wrapped around my tiny frame. His chin rested on top of my head. "Thank you. William" I uttered.

"Any time angel." He spoke so softly that I barley heard him.

The record player in my room played St. Vincent's birth in reverse. I sat on my bed reading a book that was one of my favorites I could read it a billion times and not get tired of it. The pages were frayed and damaged from being dog eared to save my place. I needed to get another copy but I was attached to the book in my hand.

"Yo loser." Lilly yelled out as she opened my door. Ruining the nirvana I had created for myself. I sighed and closed the book. Why did I give her a key to my house? Couldn't she call or text like a normal person? Then again normal is so not a word to describe Lilly. "You are reading that book again. You know there are millions of other books out there right?" Her nose scrunched up

I rolled my eyes at her tossing a pillow in her direction as I got off my bed. "What is it that you want? "

"Uhh, to see your beautiful face duh." I shot her a knowing look. She put her arms up in mock surrender. "Ok,Ok fine I want to go get ice cream. " I sighed. "But I knew that you weren't going to be in the mood to go anywhere, so I brought it to you." I finally noticed the bag that was in her hand.

We walked to the kitchen to grab some spoons. Stefan was in their making a salad for lunch. When Lilly and I entered he looked up at us greeting us with his usual smile.

"Would you like something to eat?" Stefan asked us.

I shook my head. "No thanks. You eat."

"Plus I got us taken care of." Lilly stated. Holding out the bag she had. "oh and I have one for you." She opened the bag pulling out Stefan's favorite strawberry flavored with hot fudge on it. He gave lilly a big smile.

"Thank you miss. You didn't have to." Lilly waved her hand back and forth as if saying it's no big deal. Stefan walked out of the kitchen.

Lilly handed me a container with my sinful addiction cookie dough ice cream with extra cookie dough. The smile that spread across my face was a genuine one. We sat on the counter chatting about random things that had happened through the week.

I tossed a water bottle to my friend and grabbed one for myself opening it. "Soo rumor has it you and Will danced last night." Lillys voice caused me to choke on my water. My eyes widened at what she said.

"Wh-what ? Who?" I stuttered. Did the whole school know?

"Your mom told me a little about it when I was coming in. "I let out the breath of air that I was holding in. glad to hear that it wasn't buzzing around the school. I didn't need people asking necessary questions.

"I had a panic attack. He followed I yelled and punched him. he held me as I cried and that's it." I recalled the events from the night before.

"Aww, I think it's good for you. You seem lighter in mood like he keeps your mind off Colton."

I ignored what she said. "Did she tell you Jason was there?"

"No what happened?"

"We danced and talked and he is a sweet guy." Lilly stared at me deep in thought. Her eyebrows furrowed. She did a duck face with her lips and turned them to the left. I knew she had an opinion that she wanted to say but was afraid to offend me. "What?"

"I don't trust Jason that's It." she grabbed her purse and walked away.

"Where are you going?" I followed her to the door stopping her.

"I think you need time to think." Lilly walked out not saying any more. I closed the door and leaned against it. the house was dark my parents on a date I had the house to myself. I walked down the hallway to my room and opened the French doors looking out to the beach. The sand fell between my feet that were bare. I dragged my feet enjoying the soft feeling of the sand. My thoughts consuming me.



I hope you all enjoy. 

this is kind of a filler chapter for now.  

Thank you for reading.  I put this story in for the wattys Yay! 

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