Chapter 4: Locked up

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I looked around the old dull grey of the room. This was definitely slavery. They placed me in a cell. Yea like a jail cell and the lock was pretty huge.

I couldn't pick my way out seeing as I left my bobby pin and I didn't have any paperclips so that was out of the question.

It wasn't all bad. It was fairly warm and the bed was an actual bed. But it was the thing of the kidnapped me. I can't possibly find out how many people are here that could fight and that's a problem.

I screamed and tugged my hair. This was so frustrating and I needed to get out if here. I didn't even know what day it was or how long I had been here. My boss didn't really care so all he would do was fire me. I had no friends here and- my friends!

They are bound to get me.

What am I kidding? They wouldn't even know where to look. And the police will only look for about a few days and then claim me dead.

I can't trust no one but my self in this situation. I have I get out of here. I paced the room thinking of a plan.

Get sick?

Nah. That would loose my energy and its too much.

I kept thinking. I looked around seeing what I could do but it was nothing. I heard someone come down the steps and looked up.

I glared at him and looked away. I wanted so much to get out of here and show him a lesson to not mess with a black girl from Bowen homes.

"Don't look at me like that little spinx." He said.

"If you must know my name is Tanya and I will look at my kidnaper how I please because I will tell the police your description." I said.

"You can't leave. If you behave then I can take you back up stairs to our room." He said.

"You're out of your damn mind if you think I'm about to go anywhere with you." I said.

"I brought you here didn't I?" He asked.

"Smart a**." I said lowly.

"Heard that love." He said.

He opened up the cell and I relaxed my body. This could be my chance. Of course. Seduction.

"I can make you feel better. I can make you happy. Just stop being so difficult." He said.

'Stick to the plan Tanya. Stick to the plan.' I told my self.

Too late. I tried to trip him up but he was smarter than that. I grabbed the bars and wrapped my legs around his neck and squeezed but he pulled me off him and pinned me to the ground and straddled me.

He smirked and me and I gritted my teeth.

"Now listen I me. You are mine and I always have what is mind. Do you feels these?" He asked.

Shocks ran up my arm and down my back. I shivered at the contact and almost moaned.

"That's me and you wi-"

At that moment I kicked him into the bars and ran out the house finally I was outside in the air and I ran. I ran like the wind.

I heard the laughing if children and paused. I don't know why but I did. And I saw a tile girl playing with another little girl and they were all alone. I saw a huge wolf sneaking up on them and it rolled its shoulders.

I ran out and picked up the children just as it was about to pounce on them. They clung on to me and I ran.

"Go! Go!" I yelled at them and ran the other way as the wolf chased me through he woods.

I jumped off of the tree and kicked the wolf sending I flying into another tree. I heard another growling but there was a bunch of men standing there.

I looked back for the wolf but it was gone. I groaned as I looked from running to just going to them. It could be worth a shot.

I turned but I was surrounded. Fight or go willingly? I frowned and walked with them. It was like this dude was from the mofia or something becauseHe has a lot if men. I counted at least about thirty. There was no way I could beat them all and live to tell the tale.

It was fine any way because I will escape.

They sat me in this huge office and he was there. I still didn't know his name. All of this I think I should have stayed with that lying cheating scum bag Trent. At least I could get away from him. I was dealing with lunatics here.

"I really wish you would stop running." He said rubbing his temples.

"Asi me gustaria poder salio pero nosotros no podemos siempre conseguimos lo que queremos ahora podemos?" I asked.

(Translation: well I wish I could go home but we can't always get what we want now can we?" I asked.)

"English." He said.

I stared at him and cut my eyes.

"Why do you wish to leave?" He asked.

I looked as though he was stupid.

"You kidnapped me!" I yelled.

"I didn't kidnap you. In our law it is not called kidnapping. Just taking what is mine." He said.

"I AM NOT YOURS!" I yelled.

The chair flew back and I began to breathe rapidly of anger.

"You are mines. Whether you like it or not." He said.

"Sobre mi cadaver." I growled out.

(Translation: over my dead body.)

I got up and walked to the cellar knowing that is where I was going anywhere. They were afraid and afraid they should be. I will be free and when I am he won't find me. He wont catch me.

Mark my words...


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