4. The Devil Has a Beautiful Smile

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The summer before my freshman year of high school changed my life forever. I was 13 going on 14 and I felt like I knew everything there was to know about life and all the people in it. Right after school ended for the year I started to stay over at my friend's house a lot more. Her name was Hazel. One day towards the end June I saw him for the first time. He was older and look like a total badass. He came out of his house in a black pair of skinny jeans that was paired with a grey American Fighter tee and grey vans. His black hair was messy, like he often ran his hands through it. There was not a doubt in my mind that he was over six foot tall. He was the definition of physically fit. His jawbone was well defined and you could see through his shirt that his was really fit. I remember feeling a sudden infatuation with him. We looked at each other for one second then he went back inside his house. I remember asking Hazel who he was and then she told me that his name was Liam and that he was staying with his dad for the summer and that he was 16.

 He came over the next day and introduced himself. I'll never forget the first words that left his mouth that day. He looked at me with that devilish grin, the kind that can only cause trouble, and said, "Hello, my name's Liam. What's your's name, Dove?" It was the first of many lines that are burned into my brain. Of course I smiled and looked at the ground and said, "Madison," I was so shy and it caught me off guard because I'm not the shy type, but everything was different with him. I remember talking to him for what seemed like forever. He was everything that I thought I ever wanted. All afternoon I thought that he was just being nice to me because I was her friend and he was her neighbor. My thoughts were changed when asked for my number. I typed it in his phone and he saved my name under Dove.

Later that night I got a message for a weird number saying, "Hey Dove." My heart stopped. It was really him. He texted me. I texted back immediately, "Hey, whatcha doin?" After I sent the text it was like an instant response, "Making plans for tomorrow. Wanna come over?" I knew it was wrong. He was 3 years older than me and he looked like bad news, but I couldn't resist, "Yeah, I'll be ready at 10 in the morning if that works." "Good I'll get you then." 

The next morning was probably one of the most nerve-racking mornings of my life. I had to do my hair which was easy I just had to straighten it, then I put on a light makeup with a tan eye shadow and just chap stick. The hard part was what to wear. I didn't want to look slouchy but at the same time I didn't wanna look over dressed. So me and Hazel went through her entire closet until we found a plain light pink v-neck tee with a pair of blue jean shorts. And as soon as we got done I went down stairs to find that it was almost 9:30 so I grabbed a bite to eat when I heard a knock at the door. He looked as breath taking as ever in his ripped up dark blue jeans and white tee. His hair was styled into a messy, but neat quiff. He made it look effortless, even though I knew better.

He looked me over with his devilish smirk and said, "Hello, Dove, ready to go?" I just looked to the ground and smiled as I felt my cheeks heat up and shook my head yes. He reached for my hand and pulled me out of Hazel's house and all the way to his his, which was next door so it wasn't too bad. 

Once we were there he told me to make myself comfortable while he pulled off his shoes. We sat on his couch and looked at each other for a good minute before he asked, "So Madison, what are all your secrets? What's your story?" He mentally took me back a little with his directness. I really wasn't expecting that. I didn't know how to respond. I stared at him blankly for about 15  seconds before I pulled answer out of thin air, "I don't have any," I lied. He had this look on his face that let me know he didn't believe me at all. I looked at my lap and played with the ends my hair. He pulled my face up by my chin with his thumb and index finger and looked me in the eyes and said, "I'll find out one way or another, Dove." I had this blank look of my face as I stared him in his eyes and asked, "Why do you call me Dove?" he chuckled darkly and glanced down but looked right back up and looked me straight in my eyes and said, "Because from the moment I saw you, you looked so innocent and pure. That's something I never had, and in that moment I knew I had to have you. You will be mine, dove, it's only a matter of time," and with that he kissed me. The kiss wasn't gentle it was hard and fast, but filled with passion and lust. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which was foreign to me considering my only other kiss was Alexander, which was in kindergarten. I was frozen for a minute; he tasted like cigarettes and sin, but I loved it and from that moment on I was hooked. 

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