Chapter 2

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Please tell me what you think on this one too. I hope you like it and it might be short but I was like in a hurry writing it.
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile... I have just been really bissy. I hope you can forgive me.I have school and work that I have to deal with.

It is Christmas time and I felt like I should give you a gift, so this is my gift.

I will try to update on or after Christmas.

Btw- 12-26 is my birthday. I am turning 17 this year. I'm so exited. Love you all!!!! :D

P.S. This is dedicated to my readers :D.

He walked in the classroom and shut the door behind him.

Jessie POV.

I couldn't believe what just happened. Is this a dream? Did I die and go to heven? That is what I was thinking to myself. I leaned up agents the lockers trying to rape my head around everything that just happened. I was still in pain but I didn't care... All I could think about was that Steve kissed me.

"Did Steve really just kiss me or am I dreaming?" I looked down the hallway to see if anyone was coming or could see me. I started dancing in the middle of the hallway with pure joy. "This is the best day of my life. I just wish he would kiss me again." I said with excitement. All of a sudden I herd a noise coming from down the hallway. I stopped dancing and looked where the noise was coming from.

It was Steve. He looked like he was mad. He turned and looked at me like he was going to kill me. He started walking really fast toward me. I was so scared that I started shaking. He stopped right in front of me. He said "If you tell anyone what just happened I will hunt you down and make if to where you can never talk again." I nodded my head in fear and said "I promise I will never tell anyone about what happens, please just don't kill me." I looked in his eyes. He smiled at me. I fell to my knees. He said "Ok good, now get up and act like this never happened."

I stood up and shook my head yes. He but his hand on my shoulder and said "Good boy." He pulled me in for a hug. He hugged me for 5 minutes. I couldn't stop blushing. I raped my arms around him hoping he would never let go. After 5 minutes of hugging he let go of me. He gripped my chin and looked into my eyes. He smiled and said "Are you scared of me?" I said "No I'm not scared of you. Why should I be?" He said "Because I threatened you and I gave you a death look." I hear the seriousness in his voice.

I looked into his eyes and said "I promise I'm not going to tell anyone and I promise that I'm not scared anymore." He let go of my chin and took two steps back. I walked over to the lockers and leaned agents them. I looked at the ground. I kinda felt sad but I didn't want Steve to know. He walked toward me, he stopped right in front of me. He told me that I should go home or I would be bulled later. I did as he said and went home. I was about to go to my car when Steve took me by the chin and kissed my softly on my cheack. I looked at him in shock.

He backed off and then started walking away. He went back into the classroom. I walked to my car while teaching my cheack. I got in my car and drove home. When I got home I just sat in my car for awhile. After 30 minutes of sitting in my car I decided to go inside. I went straight to my room. I threw my stuff on my bedroom flood and plopped down on my bed. I was looking at my ceiling thinking about what had happened at school. I ended up falling asleep. I woke up around dinner time. I could tell that super was almost ready because I could smell it. It smelt so good.

"Supper is ready Jessie, come eat before it gets cold." My mom yelled from in the kitchen. I jumped out of bed and rushed into the kitchen. We were having lizanya. It looked so good. I grabbed a plate form the cabinet and got a lot of food. I took the plate into my room. I shut my bedroom door behind me. I ate everything that was on my plate. I walked into the kitchen and but my plate in the sink then headed back to my room.

I shut the door and turned off the lights. I took off my shirt and pants. I put some sport shorts on and plopped on my bed. I turned my alarm on.I laid down. I started to think of what happened earlier today, at the school. After awhile I fell asleep. My alarm was going off. I looked at it and yelled "OH MY GOD... I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!" I put on some jeans and a shirt. I ran into the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I grabbed my school stuff and ran toward the front door. I grabbed my keys and ran out the house. I jumped in my car and headed to school.

When I got to the school I saw Steve standing right in front of the classroom door. I suddenly remembered what happened yesterday and I started to blush. I hopped out of my car and started walking to the classroom. I was hoping he wouldn't see me. I was about to walk in the classroom when I herd my name. I looked around and then looked straight at Steve. He said "Jessie, Are you ok? Are you feeling better?" I nodded my head yes and said "Sorry for making you do that. Well I'm going to go to class, Bye." I walked into the classroom and sat down in the back of the classroom.

Steve's POV.

"What are you doing? Sense when do you talk to losers?" My friend asked me. I said "What do you mean? He was getting beaten up yesterday and I wasn't the one doing it so I helped him." My friend just looked at me like I was crazy. "Whatever lets just go to class" he said with a smirk on his face. We when to class. I walked into the classroom that I was standing right next to and headed straight for the back of the room. I sat right next to Jessie.

I looked at him and we made eye contact. I felt really weird. I didn't know what I was thinking. I started to think about what I did to him yesterday. My heart skipped a beat. I looked down at my desk just hoping that things would go back to the way they were. I just wanted to go home and forget about what had happened.

I put my head on my desk and took some deep breaths. "I think I'm going insane" I said quietly to myself. I turned my head and looked at Jessie. He was starring at me. He whispered hey to me. Then the bell rang. Jessie got up and headed for the door but then stopped. He turned around and looked at me. "Are you coming or are you gonna just stay here?" He said with a smile on his face. I got up out of the chair and walked towered him.

I said "Are you going to go or are you just gonna stand there?" He said "I'm sorry... I'll move." Then he turned around and walked out of the classroom and went straight for the bathroom. I kind of felt bad because I said that in a mean way. I walked into the bathroom. I herd someone crying in one of the stales. I walked up to the stale and said Jessie's name. He replied with a yes. I said "It's me, Steve. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to be mean. I am just in a bad mood, can you forgive me?" He opened the style and shook his head yes. He started to hug me. I hugged him back. He started to cry even harder.

I said "Are you ok? What's wrong?" He looked up at my and said "I'm ok. I didn't mean to hurt you or bully you. I don't want you to hate me." I looked down at him and said "You didn't hurt me, I am just not in a good mood today." I started to calm down. I griped his chin and started to lean in to kiss him. Our lips touched softly. I started to make out with him. I stopped kissing him and looked him in the eyes. "Everything will be ok and I promise that I will be nice to you" I said with sorrow in my voice.

He stopped crying and wiped his eyes. I walked out or the bathroom and he followed me. School must have been out because there was no one in the classrooms or in the hallways. I stopped and Jessie bumped into me. I turned around. He was whispering sorry. I could tell he was being really shy. He looked up at me. His eyes were a bright blue. "Would you want to go to my house? But if you do I am warning you that there are a lot of people at my house" I said. He took a step back and shook his head yes. He turned around and started to walk toward his car. I walked to my car. It was 5 parking spots away from his.

"FOLLOW ME!" I yelled from where I was. I made sure that he hurt me before I got in my car. I started my car and backed out of the parking spot. I stopped and waited tell Jessie was behind me in his car. I drove to my house with him following me. I parked my car in the driveway and got out of the car. I wated for Jessie to get out of his car. We walked up to my house together. I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door. I opened the door and said "Please come in, make yourself at home." We both stepped inside. I started to head upstairs, Jessie followed me. We got to my bedroom door. I opened it and walked inside. He followed me.

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