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"You don't even German." Yourlittle brother growled as you walked giggling as you held the twosmall flags in your one hand, the Prussian flag and German flag. Yourlittle brother had taken German in high school while you took French.However you were friends with a set of brothers, Gilbert and Ludwig.You had met Francis because you were singing your favorite songs LaBien Qui Fait Mal by Mozart, who make L'Opera Rock. Considering thesong was called The Good Thing That Hurts he thought you'd get alongwith with his friend Gilbert, and through him you started hanging outwith him and his little brother Ludwig.

Though you got along with all Gilbert'sother friends, Francis, Antonio, Alfred, and Matthis, and Ludwig'sfriends, Felicano and Kiku, you got along with them best. And withyou knowing both French and Italian, Ludwig had started picking upFrench from you and Gilbert picking up Italian from you as well,Ludwig knowing some Italian from Feli and Gilbert knowing French fromFrancis. And you had taken on quiet a bit of German from both Ludwigand Gilbert, you had started to listen to German music to pick upwhat the brothers are saying.

You've taken up quiet a bit. What youdidn't realize was that the German brothers-though Gilbert is adamantthat he is Prussian-were coming up behind you. "Ich liebe dich! (Ilove you!)" You giggled at your brother as he looked confused.

Pale blue and rose red eyes widened inshock and hurt. Both brothers had a huge crush on you and here youwere saying that you loved someone else?! Gilbert had asked one time,in awesomely casual conversion if you were interested in anyone. Youhad said you had no one in mind but if something came up you wouldn'tbe opposed to it.

"I'm going to call my German teacherup and ask what you just said." Your little brother growled his(brother's eye color) eyes glaring at you as you giggled.

"It means 'I love you' dummkof.(fool.)" You said with a laugh as he blinked at you.

"Ja, (Yes,) dat's serious!" Gilbertsaid from behind you as you turned to see your albino friend and hislittle borther, who was actually taller and more muscular than hisscrawny older Prussian brother.

"Gil! Luddy!" You called huggingthem, your brows furrowing as they didn't hug you back like theyusually would before you shook your head getting rid of the idea andpushing it back to over analyze later. "And no it isn't."

"Jou just zaid jou love him."Ludwig pointed out as you raised an eyebrow.

"Well yeah, he is my brother. Youlove Gilbert don't you?" You asked as the two brother's eeyswidened looking between you and your sibling. Now that you had saidsomething they realized the two of you looked a bit alike, they couldsee the things that were similar physically between you two. Bothbreathed out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, ja! (yes!) It's good to see jouund jour little bruder! (brother!)" Gilbert said hugging youhappily. You thought it was a bit weird but hugged the two of themmore as you hugged them. You figured it was just them being weird.All of your friends, and you, were weird.

This actually happened to me. Wewere having peace week at my college and you would color a leaf andmy ancestors come from five countries; England, Wales, Poland,Germany, and Netherlands. I tried to do the Union Jack from memorybut I did horrible so they gave me a new leaf since they had plenty,and I did the German flag-I didn't know she had a printout of a bunchof countries flags, all of mine but they didn't have Wales that is atiny country.

So I really took French in highschool and my brother took German and we go to the same college, thefirst time we went to the same school since elementary school. So Ishowed him and he was mad I did the German flag and I didn't evenknow it. So I said "Ich liebe dich" and he didn't know so I saidit three more times. There was a jazz singer performing and she said"that's serious" then I told her no it wasn't, that he was mylittle brother, and she's like oh that explains it. So he says he'sgoing to contact his German teacher and ask him what I said so I justtell him it means I love you. So that inspired this story, and Icouldn't' decide if I wanted to do it to Prussia or Germany and Ididn't want to do two that were the exact same so decided to do ittighter. They don't tell you yet so you can decide you get witheither one that strikes your fancy.

GermanyxReaderxPrussia MisunderstandingWhere stories live. Discover now