VIII - First Trip

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(A/N: So I wasn't really planning on posting today, but I had a snow day! No school! Plus someone asked and I realized I hadn't posted in 4 days, so I figured it couldn't hurt. There are some new people, you know where the cast list is I suppose :)

First Trip

"So where do you wanna go?" the Doctor asked all excited as he walked around the controllers. "Past or future?"

"Future!" I grinned.


"Anywhere," I laughed.

He pressed a bunch of buttons and I felt the rush of adrenalin, not knowing what I'd find behind the door. I loved to see him practically dance around his machine and talk to it as if it was alive. Maybe it was, what do I know? Nothing was a surprise anymore.

"Ready?" he asked with a smirk.

"Not really," I admitted.

"Let's go!" he took my hand and pulled me to the door. He opened the door and we walked out to find ourselves... I wasn't really sure where we were. We were at the end of a hallway with big metal walls and wires everywhere under the grid we were standing on.

"Ah ha! We're on a ship. Human, by the looks of it. Military I believe," he said looking around, interested.

"Human?" I asked, slightly disappointed, I was hoping on meeting some aliens.

"Yes, I put the TARDIS is random mode. You should have specified, Zera," he pointed out.

"Specify my ass..." I mumbled under my breath as we crossed the hall.

There was a huge metal door with those handles like the stirring on a ship. He turned it a couple of times and walked into a round room with huge windows all around, showing the outside. In the middle seemed to be the captain's seat, with a control panel in front of it and there were other control panels with seats.

In the very room, were three perfectly human people, starring at me and the Doctor who just casually walked in.

"Identify yourselves," the man in the captains seat said with an American accent getting up and walking towards us with a gun pointed right at us.

I felt a wave of fear, freezing me in place. The Doctor slightly pushed me behind him protectively.

"You can put that thing away, you're scaring her!" he complained.

"Who are you?" he repeated, still not putting down the gun.

"I'm the Doctor, this is Zera. We come in peace."

"How did you get on my ship?" he asked.

"Put down the bloody gun and I'll tell you. There is absolutely no reason to shoot either me or her."

"Oh, just put down the stupid gun, Victor! They're unarmed," said a woman with flaming red hair, giving Victor - as she said - a hard look.

He sighed and finally placed the gun back in his belt.

"Ok, now that that's over! I got on your ship with my own ship. It's right there in the hall way. Now where is this ship going and why?" the Doctor asked, walking around, looking out the windows.

I looked as well and it was beautiful. I could see thousands of stars shining right outside and huge odd looking planets that seemed so close.

"Confidential," Victor said, looking all though and intimidating.

"Oh, you Americans, so stubborn. Where are you going?" he repeated.

"To Daculafry," the woman with the red hair answered.

The Doctor's Mistress (Doctor Who Fanfiction) - Watty Awards 2012Where stories live. Discover now