You said that you love me, but I didn't believe.
I thought no one could love a lier, who proclaimed to be king.No matter how much you held me, kissed me, or smiled.
I always felt you'd just leave after a whileThen one day I knew, I felt it was true.
Your love was strong for me, and mine for you.I was willing to give you every drop of love I had,
Even the love I saved for mom and dad.But I was young, moronic, and confused.
Because the next day my first intuition rang true.We fought and we fought over what that blonde had said,
When what we both wanted was to be able to trust again.You told me things you later said were untrue,
But the words stuck with me and I felt to be used.I wanted to fix it, and make things better.
But then you said those five words that put me in the shredder.The whole year past, all with a gun in my mouth,
But all those emotions sprang up again when the birds came back from the south.I hugged you, I cried.
I sang you a song.I now know you can't love me,
even if your previous statement was wrong.Because it's been two years,
And now I'm with another.Someone who loves me,
but won't freak out when I agree with someone other.But I do admit now that I've come to her again,
To ask for her forgiveness, to ask her to me my friend.The conflict was solved though I don't know her story,
And I'm glad I came out of my depression un-gory.For now I am happy, for now I have friends.
And as long as I don't look at you, I'm stable again.