Chapter 1

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-Len POV-

I guess its kinda pathetic of me to feel bad for myself. I mean i was loved by many and had a great family of other Vocaloids that looked after each other so its only my fault for being treated the way i am now.

I sat alone on my bed remembering the conversation i had previously had with master. I choked back tears and tried to get my mind off of the subject but i couldn't help but think about how its all my fault. Its my fault that im in this situation, its my fault for affecting Rin, its my fault that im now looked down on by the rest. 

If only i had a good singing voice, if only i could express more feeling in my voice, if only i sounded less robotic and i didn't pronounce my k's and t's with such a sharp displeasing sound i wouldn't be in this situation...but it cant be helped.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and accepted the reality that there's really no point to keep going and id only make things worst if i continued to try. I fell back on my bed, tears now falling, i had given into the sadness and drifted off to a lonely world filled of darkness.

*knock knock*

I quickly sat up staring at the door where the knocking came from.

"Len-kun? I heard you just got a back from a meeting with Master? Is something happening?" the source of the knocking noise said. The source of course had to be Kaito. I sighed wiping my tears away and opened the door.

"Why'd you come, Kaito?" i said with a blank face looking at him. 

"I just wanted to see if you are alright,, there's alot of rumors going around about you and im really worried." Kaito said with a worried tone. 

After he let himself in, turning on the lights and complaining about the mess. I silently stared at him. Kaito always seemed to show up when im in this sort of state. Its like he always knows when my life is going to shit and shows up just to pull me out of my dark thoughts. I guess im ok with it though but im scared that ill get used to it and he wont show up when i need him the most. 

"Len-kun?" Kaito again pulled me from my thoughts.

"Um look, im alright and Master just wanted to discuss my singing with me. So you can go now..." i replied back.

"So how is it?" Kaito asked.

"Hows what?"

"Your singing? Why did he have to discuss it with you? "

I stayed silent, i could lie but i honestly wanted to tell him everything thats going on. I just dont want to push my problems onto him. He's always seemed happy so i dont want to effect that.

"Look, i know something must be wrong by the way your acting and the area around your eye's are red, so please tell me what up and dont lie." Kaito ruffled my already messy hair with a small smile.

I looked up at him not sure what to say.I grabbed onto his sleeve and rested my head on his chest.

"W-what should i do?" i some how said with tears now running down my face.

-Kaito's POV bc i can ha-

I hugged Len gently, stroking his hair trying to comfort him.

"Im sorry..." Len whimpers out quietly.

"Len, its alright to let your feelings out. Its not healthy to keep them in all the time." i hugged him tighter.

He pulls away and wipes his tears and walks over to his bed. He sits down and pats at a spot next to him as if telling me to sit there. I do so. 

"Um well...Ive been having alot of problems with my voice and singing for a few months now as you may know and now that Rin and I are expecting a new update Master is worried that i may effect the sales and Rins popularity so..." Len pauses "he thinks its best if i just..." Lens words were replaced with soft sobs.

"I see..." I held him close once more.

I didnt know what to say. I wasnt expecting something like this, and i dont know how i should help him but i know i must do something.  

"Len...dont worry. I wont let Master do anything to you." i try to make him feel better.

"How? If he truly thinks ill just hold Rin back then he'll think ill be a waste of money to keep me running and then he-he'll...." Len sobbed.

"Len your not a waste of money and your not holding anybody back. You first need to get some confidence back,, if you dont have confidence you wont be able to improve your singing or sate of mind. I know it sucks but singing is what us Vocaloids are made for and that cant be helped so its best if we accept that and sing with all our might in order to live happily ne?" I wipe his tears away still holding him close to me. His crying seems to somewhat stop.

"Ill help you till the very end and ill always be there so please trust me." he looks up at me with soft eye's.

"Are you sure? I-i dont want to pull you into my problems..." Len asks.

"Pff Len, it is my problem if your not happy. So please dont feel bad at all. Ill make sure nothing happens to you k?" i say with a smile.

"Thank you. Um can you stay here for a little while?" he asks.

"Mhm of course."

He rests his head onto my chest and within a few minutes he fell asleep. I softly laugh, i guess it was kinda late. I pick him up and position him comfortably on his bed to sleep. Looking back at his messy room i clean it up a bit. I sigh, once done i quietly give him a peck on his forehead and quickly turn the lights off and leave. 

I laugh to myself knowing he'd be mad if he found out that i gave him a kiss. I happily prance back to my room imagining his cute reaction. Once back i get ready for bed and lay down staring at my ceiling. 

I wouldn't be able to imagine life without Len. Ever since i was introduced to him and Rin he's been all that i could think about. His reactions, his actions, his voice, how much he eats banana's, his cute ponytail, how smol he is, how he gets mad when ppl call him a shota, everything! I just wish i could've been there for him sooner, i wish i realized what was going on sooner.

'Im sorry Len...' it breaks me to see him cry even just a little bit.

I drift to sleep full of regret and determination to make Len happy.

(waaaaa i know this is pretty short but it took me forever ;;-;; i hope its not too boring and cliche  and i hope you read the next chapter once its out if you enjoyed this one! uuuuh yea yea thats all :^))) bye )

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