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"Mom please!"

"Everything is already packed Skylar"

"I can unpack it"

"It's for school Skylar"


"This discussion is over" my mother deadpanned and walked away, I looked at Kevin who shrugged and took the last of the bags to Emmet's car.

I remember Kevin had said a thousand times that Emmet said it was cool to travel with them in his jeep but I had said no I'd rather take the bus. The whole camp thing was making me angry, I didn't wanna go, Kevin had Happy to go to, Emmet had the whole population of girls in school and what did I have? Nothing, just bitterness and a strong hate for worms.

"Skylar lets go we are gonna be late" my mom said descending the stairs.

"I'm gonna go say bye to Mr. Obrien first"

My mom had ended up letting Mr. Obrien stay in the cottage after we discussed it with dad on the phone.

"Hey Mr. Obrien" I let myself in since the door was open

"Skylar, you don't look too good"

"I'm not good" I sighed "I just came to say bye"

"Don't worry" he shook his head with a smile "I'm sure you'll do just fine"

"Sure, sure" I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

"I'll see you when you get back"

"Bye" I went away and gave Kevin a big hug before I got into the car with mom. I tried really hard not to look at Emmet, I felt sorry for him. He was the only one in school taking his own car and it wasn't because he was the bad boy it was simply because he was sick so he had to have his oxygen tank close by and a fast mode of transport in case something happened. Going to this camp was just a huge risk for him and I didn't understand why the hell was he taking it, was he suicidal or something?

"Mom?" I said before I exited the car.


"I love you" I said and a smile lit up her face.

"I love you too" she grinned and I left.

Mrs. Polly was standing in front calling a list of people to get into the bus in order.

I stood there for a few minutes getting fried by the sun when the "I" finally came.

"Ibanes" Mrs. Polly shouted several times and I also looked around only to find her caged by a few boys I didn't really know.

"Move" I pushed past one of them who was busy laughing and lost his balance.

"Let me help you" I took some of her bags, I could tell she was very close to crying, I knew the feeling very well.


"She's coming!" I shouted annoyed "Everybody get out of the fucking way" I screamed in anger and some people moved and we slithered our way forward where the nice bus guy took her luggage and put it inside the luggage compartment.

"Isles" Mrs. Polly called right after she had called Ibanes.

I entered the bus and looked around and I spotted her sitting at the back with her head down playing with her hands nervously.

"Hey" I said and she jumped.

"Hi" she said shyly

"Sorry I startled you"

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