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                             read the chapter name correctly. Last chappie. I know...sad. I'm on the verge of tears, but I am running out of ideas! *sob* I'm really sorry guys...but let's finish this the way we started it...




*takes place a week after the Battle of Manhattan*

Annabeth stared at Percy from across the Mess Hall. He looked so...cute. He just came back from target practice, and he had ahot an arrow into the woods, nearly hitting poor Grover, who was walking with Juniper.

He looked at her and made a funny face, his eyes rolled up and his tongue sticking out. Annabeth couldn't help but giggle. He was so-seaweed brained, yet so adorable and funny. 

He grinned and went back to eating. Annabeth continued to stare at him...for no reason.

After dinner, Percy brought her to the docks.

"You okay?" he asked, putting an arm around her. "That battle was pretty traumatizing."

"Percy, that was a week ago. I'm fine, trust me."

"Are you sure?" 


"Are you sure you're sure?"

"Yes." she answered a little more sternly this time.

"Are you sure you're sure you're sure?"


"Are you sure you're sure you're sure you're-" GLUB!

Annabeth pushed him off the dock and into the water. He was so surprised, he didn't have time to think, Hey, why don't I stay dry this time?

He swam up. "Annabeth Chase! What was that for?" he said her name in a voice that sounded, oddly enough, like a stern mother's scolding voice.

"For being annoying." she laughed, sticking her tongue out playfully.

"For having fun?" he said in mock offense. He threw a hand over his heart sank about 5 inches below the water.

"No-well...yes, kind of." she said with a smile.

"Is this fun?" he asked her. For a second, Annabeth was confused, until he grabbed her feet and yanked her in. She immediately swam up.

"Hey-Seaweed Brain-you-" she coughed, "will pay!"

He narrowed his eyebrows and Annabeth leapt onto him. They sank, and Percy created an air bubble.

"That was awesome!" he yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

"I know." Annabeth said, sighing.

"What's wrong?" he asked again.

"Just...tired. Could we sleep in this bubble? Worry everyone a bit?" she asked, yawning.

"Yes!" Percy said, "But what if the bubble pops?"

"Create another one, Seaweed Brain." she said, rolling her eyes. Of course she was kidding, it would eventually pop, but she wanted to mess with him.

"Um...Annabeth-" he started, but she cut him off with a short kiss.

"I know, I was kidding."

"Oh...oh, duh!" he exclaimed.

And it was the best day ever.

THE END (sadly...)

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