That's For Me To Know...

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“So tell me…who’s the guy that gave you the hickie?” Sophie asked on the next day in the lunch room.

My eyes automatically found Michael. He was sitting with his friends but I could have sworn he stiffened.


“Come on Gee,” Harriet said, “Spill. Who is he? Which tasty morsel in this cafeteria is it?”

They both looked out at the student body and I just cowered on the bench seat, trying not to look over at Michael.

“What are you guys doing?” Mark sat down next to me and I sighed.


“Gee had a hickie,” Harriet said excitedly, “We’re trying to figure out who it’s from.”

Mark looked at me and I just blushed. “Really? Ana…have you been sucking face?”

Mark and his best friend were the only ones who could called me that. When Mark and I met in the first grade he had trouble saying my complete name. He told me flat out that he thought I was cute and wanted to know my name. So I told him. He shook his head and just started calling me Ana.

“No,” I said shyly. “I would never do that.”

“I wouldn’t think so,” Mark said smiling, “Next topic please ladies.”

They went off talking about the Winter Ball which wasn’t for at least two months. I watched them banter back and forth, smiled and laughed at the appropriate times.

“We’re planning a party after hours this weekend,” Mark said, “Aidan and I are hosting it in the basement. You guys should come. Saturday night.”

“You weren’t going to invite us?” Harriet said.

“Of course I was. We only finalized plans last night.”

Speak of the devil, Mark’s best friend finished paying for his food and sauntered over. Several of the junior girls gave him googly eyes as he passed but he ignored them. The only other open spot at our table was on my other side, squishing me between two guys. I tried to scoot over so I’d just be squished in between Sophie and Aidan but he was too fast for me.

“Watch it Ana. Scoot that fine butt of yours over.”

I slid back over next to Mark. “Come on Aidan,” I smiled, “I want to sit next to Sophie.”

“Ana doesn’t feel comfortable,” Mark said around a bite of sandwich, “She has a new boyfriend.”

“Really?” Aidan said. “Who, might I ask, has tickled our Ana’s fancy?”

I stared at Aidan. He was a dirty blonde, brown eyed jock stereo type. All the girls wanted him, all the time. He could never figure out why I’d never wanted to date him, even though he’d asked me plenty of times. What I saw in his eyes now was pure jealousy.

“No one. I’m serious guys, it was just an after affect from the fight.”

“Fight? What fight?” Aidan said. “You got into another fight?”

“The sparring match she had with our new resident Vampire,” Mark said.

“Michael Thor? You got paired with him?” Aidan said.

“He’s the only one at my skill level,” I said.

Aidan snickered. “Too bad I’m not in our class. I could replace him.”

“You think you can take me?”

He smiled. “I know I can.”

“Let’s shove that sexual tension aside,” Sophie said, “Who are you taking to the dance?” she asked Aidan.

The Beginning (Book One in The Illusion of Certainty Series)Where stories live. Discover now