The Journey Begins

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It was a beautiful sunny day along the ocean as the seagulls are chirping and everything is perfect. In the middle of this beautiful but deadly ocean is a cruise /passenger ship. The crew members seem to enjoy the day as they relax above deck with no problems at all. Two of the crew members hear a bang below the ship as they look down to investigate they notice a barrel just floating there. Inside the ship was ball where everyone was dancing and having a good time not worrying about problems at all.

Looking through the window was a slim beautiful young woman of average height with orange hair and brown eyes. One man ask kindly for a dance with her which she accept. Back on top the ship the two crew members who notice the barrel decide they wanted to know what was in the barrel so what better way was that then to reel it in to found out. However with his lack of aim he did not get the barrel easily which his other crew members laugh at his skill of catching the barrel. Final after a few minutes they finally catch the barrel and begin pulling it up.

One of the crew members who was on the watchtower noticed that something was wrong as he noticed something behind the island. Turning his full attention onto the sea, he becomes frighten when he notice a pink ship  with heart sail was coming at them. But it wasn't the color or the sail that frighten him but the black flags on top of the ship which only meant one thing.... 

"PIRATES SHIP IN PURSUIT OF US" yelled the frighten man which caused his two crew mates to drop the huge barrel and run to tell the captain the news

 The pirate ship begin to fire cannon balls at the  cruise/passenger ship trying to make the ship stop moving. 

"CAPTAIN, WE HAVE GOT PIRATES" yelled the crew member looking scared as everyone begins to panic   

As people were running all over the orange haired women stood still and smiled not caring about the danger of pirates. The pirate ship continued to fire at the cruise/passenger ship. On top of the pirate was a female pirate with long wavy hair and brown eyes wearing a white cowgirl hat with a  large red plume who was looking focus at the cruise/passenger ship.  

"COBY" yelled the female pirate

"yes ma'am" ask a small, timid, chubby boy with pink hair and round frame glasses

"Who is the most beautiful all of these seas" ask the female pirate careful waiting to see what his answer might be but knowing already

"Well that would be the captain of our ship, Lady Alvida" said the scared boy hoping to please his captain

She smirks and begins to laugh loudly at how true this fact was. A tall and obese woman wearing a pink plaid shirt, blue captain's coat, rings on fingers, red polish on her long finger nails, purple sash with a flintlock gun tucked in it and some jewels, gray pants and some red shoes with a gold buckles. Holding a iron mace in hand and slamming onto the deck. She gave the command to continue attacking the ship. More destruction continued  for the ship as passengers continued to panic.

The large barrel which brought onto the ship began to roll downstairs while the orange hair girl ran through the halls trying to get on top the ship. The barrel continued to roll until it was stopped by the open door and rolled into the cargo hold. 

Few minutes later 

After boarding the cruise/passenger ship they begin to terrorize the passengers. The boy was down on the cargo hold looking for something good to bring back to the ship. Noticing the big barrel in the corner and decide to roll back to the ship however his crew mates who followed him decide to take the barrel for themselves. Knowing they would get trouble the boy decides to reason with them only for them say unless he tells on them. One of the guys decide to open the barrel with his fist. Seconds pass as the guy was about to bring his fist down on top of the barrel only for him to...

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