CHAPTER ELEVEN - Jack be Quick - Part I

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I awoke to a splitting headache. In fact, it seemed that every part of my body hurt. My light still shone brightly up at the roof of my cavern. I put my hand to my head--dried blood.

--How long have I been out?

(How many times do you have to be knocked unconscious?)

--If I had a way to knock you unconscious, I would.

(A bit irritable aren't we?)

"Frank!" I called out. Now which way had I come in? I spun around, disoriented. Then they grabbed me.

"Take his light." Someone wrenched it from my hand and shut it off.

"What are you doing down here?" The voice belonged to a woman.

(Should we ask her to help?)

--Is there another option?

I faced in the direction I thought her voice had come from. "My friend and I fell through the floor into a cavern back there. He's hurt. I'm afraid he's going into shock. Frank?"

No answer.

"Look, can I have my light? I have no weapons."

No response there either.

"If you're not going to help me, at least let me go." I jerked myself free. I don't think they expected me to move without light. "Frank? Answer me, damn it!" I didn't get far. After about ten yards I slipped and fell slowly onto my face. This time I got my hands in front of me. "Damnit!"

"Jared, give him his light," she said, sounding amused.

They must have IR gear. A moment later several arms lifted me and I found my spotlight again in my hands.

"Thanks." I flipped it on and started walking toward the entrance to the cavern. "Frank?"

"Follow him." She ordered.

I yelled, "Sir Frances Edwards?" Maybe he'd answer to his title. "Edwards?!"

"Who's there?" His voice echoed back oddly, but at least he hadn't passed out.

"It's me, Jack." I stumbled back through the lava tube and back out into the opening of our chamber.

"What light is that? Wherefore com'st thou?"

"Here I am, Frank." I flashed the light across him and he recoiled from me.

"Small comfort finds poor Edward in thy looks. Villain, thou com'st to murder me." His voice echoed terribly off the walls.

"To murder you? Frank, it's me Jack. You're hurt." I tried to reach out to him, but he pushed me away. "Mr. Edwards?"

"Weep'st thou already? List awhile to me. This dungeon where they keep me is the sink wherein the filth of all the castle falls." His face dripped with sweat under his glazed eyes.

"Help me, please," I begged, listening to them filing into our space. I flashed the light across four of them wearing snoopers and moonsuits, their helmets off, but attached at the back of the neck. The leader stepped forward.

"What can we do?" Her voice betrayed a slight hint of concern. "What's wrong with him?"

"My mind's distempered and my body's numbed, and whether I have limbs or no, I know not. O, would my blood dropped out from every vein as does this water from my tatter'd robes."

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