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unknown: baby im horny

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unknown: baby im horny

renáe: bro u have the wrong number

unknown: thts not wut u said the other day when u gave it to me

renáe: tf. i never said anything to u.

unknown: asdfgrnwjhny45rwq

unknown: sry <3

unknown: i did keybrd rape & hit send by mistake

unknown: bt still, i knw i have the right #

renáe: k whatever but i still dont know u

renáe: & u need jesus pronto

unknown: i need u


pic = guti celebrating the clausura win with the vatos aka his homies guz, chucky, & pizarrito. [ guti's the one second from the left ]. baes looking fresh as hell with those gold medals around their necks & a trophy in their hands. made me so happy to get the sixth star added to our crest cause we're the oldest liga mx team & we definitely deserve this. proud to be an hidalgo girl.. <33

guti es un borracho loquillo; he is a crazy drunk. 

tell me what u think pls!

how's everyone's day going? :]


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